
(Saber POV)

Four days had passed since after that night.

I had to use those days to make my relationship with Alice less awkward, considering she started avoiding me after what happened to us. Therefore, I had to constantly visit the castle to talk to her and do other more.

But wait, there's more to that.

"Mr Loki! Sorry for having you wait."

"No, it's fine. I just got here"

Also, I started meeting up with Reaper some times to hang out. If you're asking about who initiated, she is. We met again the other day and she began inviting me. I didn't really know why, but I just go along considering I don't do much except for dealing with the princess and wasting sleeping at night.

Truthfully, my body is starting to adapt to sleeping for only three hours for some reasons. Though I had some wild guesses that this was probably thanks to what happened to me back on the sixth and seventh floor. The monsters there didn't let me sleep properly.

Nonetheless, it's currently late in the afternoon. I'll come back to the castle again tomorrow to inform Alice about going somewhere, and that somewhere is to the Labyrinth.

"Let's go!"


Following her from behind, I sighed and glanced at Reaper from the side of my peripheral vision. Reaper probably hasn't realized it yet, but this is 100% a date!

Then again, if did start noticing, I can just start acting stupid so that she won't be able to do a thing. After all, she's the one at fault to this not me.

After a while, we went back to the same casino we first met up and played some games.

"Hey! No fair using foul plays to win..." Reaper looked at me with a cute pout, her expression showing signs of upset.

I laughed at her reaction, responding with, "It's called strategy, not foul play."

After we were done with that, we went to the museum to look at some of the art gallery. I heard from Solis that Reaper likes painting, so I figured that this might make her happy.

"That's a circle..." She muttered, peering at the intricate painting displayed before us.

"Indeed," I glanced at the painting impassively before looking away.

Her arms crossed in contemplation, she swiveled to face my direction. "So... Why does this piece has such an exorbitant price tag?"

With my eyes squinted and fingers beneath my chin, I leaned forward and continued to examine the artwork. "Because a renowned artist's hand brought it into existence," I tried replying casually, my attention still absorbed by the canvas.

Reaper frowned, skepticism tugging at the corners of his lips. "And... What drives people to purchase it, exactly?"

A brief pause followed before finally turned to meet her gaze, her expression confused. "Well, you see, humanity possesses a fascinating penchant for peculiar logic. Some individuals, it appears, are predisposed to embrace nonsensical pursuits."

I think the words I chose to say are too deep for her to understand, as she merely raised an eyebrow, bemusement dancing in her eyes.

"...In other words, they're just plain stupid?"


A faint smile tugged at my lips as I shrugged nonchalantly. "Precisely. There's no shortage of enthusiasts who excel in the art of embracing their own idiotic minds~"

She returned her attention back to the painting and said, "I'll never buy this shit even if I have a ton of money."

It was silent for a moment before I responded with, "Me neither."



"Also, what's with the way you're speaking?"

"Why? I'm just trying to sound elegant."

"Stop it... It's really creepy."




Little while later, we went out to get some snacks.

Since we were still inside the Black Market, the food we bought were more expensive than the average food outside this place. Of course, I didn't eat anything because if I do, she'll likely recognize me behind my mask.

"I can never get used to snakes..." Reaper looked at the snake skewer on her hand with a frown. She look like she was about to throw up at any moment, but forced herself to stop.

With that topic in mind, I decided to start a conversation.

"You've eaten snakes before?"

"Of course I have...! Me and my companions often eat it when we're out of money or when we are out on the wild during missions."

"You have companions, huh...?" I acted confused, tilting my head slightly as we walked along the street.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that..." She turned to me with a look of realization. "Yes, I have companions, and we are like real siblings."

"I see... They must be really important to you."

"Yeah, they are. But the four of us don't often get along... Well, it was actually me that doesn't get along with them quite well, considering I'm the one who creates the arguments in the group." When Reaper spoke, her expression showed signs of bitterness.

I decided to tease her for that. "...You're the troublemaker in the group?"

"You don't have to say that out loud!"

Reaper's face became flushed red in embarrassment, her lips pouted, gazing at my direction with her squinted eyes.

With a light chuckle, I spoke up in the most thoughtful as possible, "There's no need to feel embarrassed. I've met quite a few people like you during my whole life of traveling. And I must say, yes blood relationship between the four of you may be weak, but just like what you said, they are your sisters. You four are family."


"Is what they call 'family' restricted to those related by blood? I do not believe that to be so. Loving and cherishing each other is what makes people family, and our blood just help in that regard."

"You see, it doesn't matter who they are or where they came from in the past because family is a matter of love. You chose to love them even while knowing you four aren't related with each other and stick with them even through tough times."

"All because you love them."

Silence shrouded our surroundings. It was as if the people around us were non-existent, only the two of us were alone in that seemingly dark place.

Reaper quickly snapped back to reality after a brief second and cleared her throat, "Hmm... I've been wondering about this for a while now, it seems like you know much about us four."


I flinched upon hearing what she said. Fortunately, I managed to hide my surprise behind my mask.

"Do you also have a sibling, Loki?"

"Oh... that's what you meant?"


Now that I thought of it, I used to have a real sibling back in the facility.

He was also a clone of my master's brother, the second who was created after me. In other words, I'm the oldest between us.

Though that doesn't matter anymore, he's already long dead anyway.

With that thought in mind, I returned my attention back to Reaper.

"I have none."

Now then, I wonder what she would ask next... I hope it's not about my background or some sort. It would be hell'a annoying trying to come up with another lie.

"Actually, there's also this one person that I couldn't get along with quite well."

Oh... It's not a question. That's good to hear. Nonetheless, I can already guess who she was talking about.

"Hoo...? Who is it?"

"That person is our Contractor."

Once again, I acted confused. "...You have a Contractor?"

"Our group's contractor... Or what you may call our party's sponsor. It was thanks to him that my companions and I have a good place to live, eat good meals and go to expensive places."

My lips unconsciously twitched upon hearing those words come out from her mouth.

Is she thankful for me?

"But I don't trust him."


"Why's that?"

"He's an adult."


An adult...? What kind of answer is that supposed to meant anyway?

"Is that all?"


"But isn't that kind of... illogical?" I tried to change some of my wording in the most politest way as possible. "Why would you hate him just because he's an... adult?"

"Adults cannot be trusted."

"...Aren't you hanging out with me, an adult?"

"It's not like there's something between us."

I was dumbfounded upon hearing those words. Just because of that? Seriously?

Alright, that—

"Is the most stupid reason I've ever heard in my entire life."

"Oy! Besides that, one of the reason I trust you is because you somehow resembles his personality."

"Huhhh??? What's that suppose to mean? Don't you hate him?"

She abruptly stopped walking and turned to the dark alley from the side.

"But unlike him, you're more of an open mask, and you're not even trying to hide it."


Aren't I already wearing a mask?

"This conversation won't go nowhere.... Hmm!!?"

"Sir Loki—"

Just when she was about to say anything, I cut her short and pulled her hand upon sensing a faint presence nearby watching us.

"What are you doing...?"

Who was it?

...I don't know.

"Let's leave quickly..."

I just have a bad feeling about it.


"I wish you to just die in a miserable death!"

Standing in front of boy, who was bound in chains, a girl who was carrying a short sword on her waist was surprised by the guilt that welled up from deep within her chest.

She played a crucial role in capturing the fated Incarnation of Calamity who threatened humanity.

He was one of the reason why her father disappeared.

Her actions was a great deed that would be remembered in history, no matter who heard about it.

This would likely increase the value of her kingdom, furthering the possibilities of diplomatic negotiations from other kingdom, including the Holy Kingdom.

But when she saw the deflated appearance of the boy before her, what she felt was not the exhilaration or ecstasy of revenge.

A sense of guilt gnawed at her from deep within her heart.

It was me.

It was me who did this to him.

I was the one who reduced this person to this state.



Though the guilt in her heart was strong, she managed to retain some of her sense of logic.

"Please... Just die."





Lying on a large bed, a blonde girl suddenly screamed as she teared up. Her expression looked distorted, hands clutching on the blanket covering her lower body.

"Your Highness!"

Her maid rushed forward and shook the princess awake.

"Wait, please... Don't... I'm sorry..."

"Your Highness, please wake up!"

The maid continued to shake her body awake until the princess finally opened her eyes. Breathing roughly, heart thumping abnormally fast, the princess sat up on her bed and used her hand to support her head.

"What happe—"


A black cat suddenly jumped to her bed, licking her other hand. Alice glanced at it, petting it's head as she thought to herself.

"I see... it's just a dream..."

Some of her strands fell over her face, Alice peered through her hair as her eyes remained fixed on the cat, her expression thoughtful.