Chapter 2 starts, the construction system  

  is small and there is no diplomacy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a small country like Nord, with only more than 2,000 people, is actually a joke. Therefore, although I think this will give Joseph a more communicative caliber, I don't take it too seriously. I get After Joseph authorized them to handle the handwriting related to official affairs, Kress left with the French cabinet officials.

  James didn't leave right away. Looking at Joseph's immature face, he seemed to see another person in a trance: "Your Highness, the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs..." "I need someone who can be completely trusted.


  " What do you need me to do, Your Highness!"

  James originally wanted to say that he had no talent in this area, but Joseph's words directly made him abandon all hesitation. Your Highness needs someone completely trustworthy, and I am that! The contact between people is so simple, if you trust me, then I won't say much and do my best.

  "You don't need to do anything, just contact the United States more. It's best to pay attention to the five-star general Marshall. If you can, it's best to establish a good relationship with him. This is very important to our Principality of Nord.

  " What is compelling? It was the European recovery plan proposed by Marshall. Although it is not a time and space, the world pattern has not changed much at this time. The United States needs and must obtain the support of Europe, and at the same time use Europe to contain the Soviet Union.

  Seeing Joseph's tired face, James agreed to turn around and leave. Before leaving, he gave the two guards a look to remind them to pay attention.

  James was not surprised by Joseph's sudden change. Joseph's mother came from the mysterious ancient eastern country. Although at this time most European countries saw the ancient eastern country as a poor, backward, pig-tailed place, but James lived with that outstanding woman for four years, and he was fascinated by the Kung Fu, food, and myths there. In his eyes, perhaps Joseph at this time was favored by his mother.

  "You guys go out too!"

  "Your Highness, you..."

  "I'm fine. As for safety... If someone really assassinates me, can you stop me? It's good to be at the door."

  First he gave a wry smile, and then he was half appeased Let them go to the door, and the two guards left feeling guilty. Their duty is to protect Joseph's safety, but now that their abilities are being questioned, how can they not feel sad? Of course, they themselves knew that Joseph was telling the truth.

  When Joseph was the only one left in the room, Joseph regained his energy and his original fatigue disappeared in an instant. Joseph also had to do this, otherwise how would he trick those people out? Some things in the mind cannot be known by other people, including the guards, James, these servants who have always been loyal to the Ragnar family.

  "Reminder: The construction system has been activated, please host to choose." "Reminder

  : The host owns 21.3 square kilometers of land, with a population of 2.356, schools*2, hospitals*1, ports*1 have 60% electricity coverage, fresh water resources are sufficient, The forest resources are poor..."

  "Reminder: Please open the map for the host to build details..."

  Below this prompt, there is a tick option, how to choose is naturally needless to say, but at the moment Joseph opened the map silently, The space in front of him fluctuated for a while, and then a virtual map appeared in front of him. According to his memory, Joseph recognized that this was his principality, the Principality of Nord on the west coast of France.

  The virtual map is very clear, so clear that Joseph can clearly see the expressions on the faces of pedestrians. Of course, this is not the point. The point is the classification of buildings on the side of the map: government, housing, entertainment, security, roads, industry... feel

  free Open the housing category, and then displayed in front of Joseph are: low-rent apartment (construction cost $300, time 40 minutes.), apartment (construction cost $500, time 80 minutes.), high-end apartment (construction cost $800, time 2 Hour.).

  There are only these three types that can be built at this time. As for the others, they can only be displayed after the construction of the administrative hall. However, Joseph has no time to take care of those. He is also a little annoyed when he is excited, because the currency on the money column is 0.

  No money, no matter how powerful the system is, it is useless. Real currency cannot be put into the system. The only way to increase the money in the system is to build, and then recover funds through the buildings built by the system, such as low-rent housing, banks, Office buildings, taxi companies.

  Of course, the money in the system can be taken out, initially in US dollars, and the withdrawal will be exchanged for the currencies of all countries in the world according to the exchange rate at that time. If Joseph wants to change the currency, he only needs to read it silently in his mind.

  "Reminder: The host can borrow up to $100.000 from the system, starting with $1000, and the interest rate will increase by 5% for every 10 times increase. The current annual interest rate is 5.0%, and each increase will increase by 0.1% per year." What is timely charcoal

  ? This is how the system behaves now, without any hesitation, Joseph applied for $10,000 for one year, which means that Joseph needs to repay $11,000 next year. He is not too worried about this. After all, Europe is basically paralyzed at this time, and there are business opportunities everywhere.

  It's a pity that the money in reality cannot be exchanged into the system. Otherwise, no matter how poor Joseph is, as the monarch of a country, it is no problem to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. After all, it is already 1980 at this time. It's still worth a lot, but there are already many millionaires, especially Wall Street millionaires, which can be said to be almost everywhere.

  "Reminder: The construction system is still in the trial period at this time. The construction price is 1%, the time is 1%, the loan amount is 1%, and the trial period is 30 days. Please seize the opportunity." No wonder the construction price is so low

  . I thought it was the strength of the system, but it turned out to be the benefits of the trial period, but soon Joseph remembered one thing, the construction price was reduced, the time was reduced, and the loan amount was reduced, but the profit brought by the construction would not be reduced. In this way, the loan Doesn't it mean free gift?

  Without the slightest hesitation, Joseph directly raised the loan to $100.000. Although he needs to repay $11.0000 after one year, these are nothing compared to the profits he has obtained.

  The working efficiency of the system is still very high, but his application approval has been approved in a few minutes, and at the same time Joseph received the information, the amount above the virtual map changed to $100.000.

  The funds are already in place, and the next step is how to build the Duchy of Nord. He doesn't need to worry about internal affairs for the time being. The system's residents' happiness indicates that the citizens of the Duchy of Nord are quite satisfied with him as the Grand Duke, or rather with their royal family. After all He is only an eight-year-old child, and the current hearts are all accumulated by Ragnar I, II, his father, and grandfather.

  Lying on the big soft bed, looking at his own territory on the virtual map, all of a sudden, Joseph felt a lot of pride in his heart. In his previous life, he was just an ordinary college student, but now he is the monarch of a country, although this country There are only a few thousand people, but don't you still have a construction system? With this thing, it is only a matter of time before the Nord Principality is built into one of the best economic powers in Europe.

  Military power? The new century is approaching. Although force is equally important, the influence of a country depends first on its economic status. Moreover, Europe will sooner or later form the European Union. As long as the European Union is not disbanded, the Principality of Nord will be very safe.

  Of course, Nord is not without the potential to become a military power. There are also military camps, military factories and other projects in the construction system, but the economy is the priority now, and everything else has to be put aside for the time being.

  Throughout the middle of the night, Joseph was thinking about the future construction, which led to him still sleeping soundly when Kress came to report to him the next day.