Chapter 31 Nord's New Year's Eve

 For the Chinese workers living in the Principality of Nord, their happiness is filled with longing. Happiness is because they are very satisfied with their life at this time. Even if it is not as good as the real Nord citizens, it is much better than before. There is no doubt that I miss my hometown.

  Fortunately, these people came together from fellow countrymen, and there is no ethnic discrimination here. On the contrary, Nord citizens still like these Chinese workers very much, so they are not alone.

  Joseph was wearing a casual gray sweater, walking on the street with only Joanna at his side. Of course, this was not the case. There were no fewer than thirty guards in the secret security station.

  "Your Highness, what is this?"

  The little girl's crisp voice made Joseph very comfortable. He followed the white and tender fingers and looked over. The familiar red fruit was displayed in front of him, and he smiled slightly and walked towards the peddler holding the fruit.

  "Selling candied haws! Sweet and sour candied haws."

  Approaching, the hawker's cries reached Joseph's ears. Seeing Joanna's puzzled eyes, Joseph translated the hawker's cries to her, but who would have thought After hearing this, Joanna became more and more confused.

  "What is candied haws? And what he said is not right. What can be sour and sweet? Isn't that two flavors?" Joanna's question Joseph did not answer, but walked up to the candied haws vendor and said: "Boss, two skewers !"

  The other party obviously didn't know Joseph, but this was normal. At this time, the Nord Principality was not a small country with a population of 2,000 before. Although the population was still small, the number close to 30,000 was enough to ensure that not everyone knew Joseph, the Nord Principality. Grand Duke. Of course, there is another reason, that is, in the eyes of Easterners, Western faces are not much different, even though Joseph is of mixed Chinese and Western blood.

  The hawker was taken aback by his fluent Chinese, but he quickly realized that he took two bunches of candied haws and handed them to Joseph, and said at the same time: "This little brother speaks Chinese well, you must be of Chinese descent!" It was obvious that the other party Seeing Joseph's black eyes, he nodded and did not speak as he acknowledged the peddler's words, and then took Joanna away. There were many people on the street, dragon dance, lion dance, and the street was full of excitement.

  "Ah! It really is sour and sweet, this is hawthorn!"

  Joanna's slowness made Joseph smile helplessly, and continued to walk into the depths of the street without paying attention, while Joanna kept whispering in Joseph's ear while eating. Stop muttering.

  "This industrial area is actually more lively than the Beicheng District. I knew I would come to the Beicheng District to play during the break. Your Highness, look over there, look over there, someone is spitting fire!" The Chinese workers in the Nord Principality are all

  rural Because they retain a lot of traditional customs, such as dragon dance, lion dance, juggling and drumming during Chinese New Year, these make Joanna, who has never seen the world, keep screaming.

  Careful observation of Joseph found that there are also many Westerners here. They also looked at the jugglers in the middle of the field with great interest. The stability of the country is more important.

  With the increasing number of Chinese workers, the Nancheng District (industrial area) has begun to be unable to accommodate them, but at this time the Central District has not yet been built, and many Chinese workers live in workshops or tents. After all, this is not a long-term solution. A trace of sadness appeared on Joseph's brow.

  "Your Highness, Your Highness? You, what's the matter with you! Are you uncomfortable?"

  "It's okay, let's go!"

  Seeing that Joseph didn't intend to leave, Joanna secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came out to play, she didn't want to go back so early.

  Fuxiang Building, glanced at the shops on one side, and scanned the terrain at will. Joseph felt that he could have an overview of the entire street of the Chinese workers' living area from above, so he walked towards it.

  Compared with the Chinese restaurants in Beicheng District, the restaurant here is truly formal. As soon as he entered the door and smelled the aroma of the cooking, Joseph knew that even if the Chinese restaurant had a building bonus, it would not be able to cook such delicious food. Come.

  "Monsieur, s'ilvouspla?t!" (Sir, please come inside!)

  Perhaps because most citizens of the Principality of Nord speak French, these Chinese workers who have just arrived can actually speak a few words, at least the waiters in the restaurant It's fluent when you say it.

  The arrival of Huaxia is not only workers, some have become Nord citizens through morality, for example, the owner of this restaurant must be one of the Nord citizens.

  "French is good, but Chinese people will be the mainstream in the future of the Principality of Nord. You should let them learn how to adapt to you." Half of Joseph's blood is Chinese, so even if the

  official language in the future is Chinese, it is completely reasonable. Of course, Joseph will not do this, because this is Europe, and he does not need to offend European countries because of the official language. However, it is inevitable that Chinese will be the core among the common people in the future.

  The waiter was stunned by Joseph's words. Before he could react, Joseph had already entered the door. The boss at the counter saw Joseph coming out in a hurry. It doesn't mean that he doesn't know Joseph if others don't know him.

  As soon as he saw the boss's actions, Joseph knew that the other party recognized him. Although he didn't know the middle-aged Chinese boss, it didn't hinder Joseph's guess.

  "Don't be too polite, isn't business very good today?" Looking around, they were all Western guests, and there were almost no Chinese workers. That's why Joseph said this.

  "Today is New Year's Eve! Most people are eating dumplings at home. What would you like to eat, Your Highness?"

  After all, the owner of the restaurant has never seen Joseph's serious side, and he is so gentle when he enters the door. Besides, he is only a nine-year-old With the child's appearance, the boss naturally dared to speak casually without being in awe.

  "Let me eat dumplings too! Joanna, what do you eat?"

  "What are dumplings and are they delicious?"

  "Two plates of dumplings!"

  Too lazy to answer such questions, Joseph directly helped Joanna order her food, which made her Joanna was very unhappy, and muttered in her heart that His Highness is not a gentleman at all, if I had known earlier, I might as well have looked at the menu!

  Joseph didn't know the little girl's inner complaints. After going up to the second floor, dozens of guards blocked all the crossings. One guard even came to the kitchen to monitor the chef cooking dumplings. Where did the chef see such a situation? He almost scalded himself when putting the dumplings, and at the same time, he was thinking about the stories about imperial chefs that he had heard throughout the ages.

  Naturally, he didn't know that the traditions in the West were different from those in the East. Even if the cook did something wrong here, he would not be killed, at most he would be driven away, of course, poisoning would not count.

  Looking down at the street on the second floor is naturally much better than watching from the street. At least Joanna went upstairs to watch the excitement and forget the complaints in her heart just now.

  Soon two plates of dumplings and a small dish of vinegar were served. Besides, there were two nights of dumpling soup. Before the boss could tell the function of dumpling soup, Joseph had already explained it to Joanna with a smile.

  "Does it also have the effect of digesting the stomach?"

  Pointing to the dumpling soup, Joanna asked Joseph in disbelief. After all, in her eyes, it was the leftovers from cooking the dumplings! How could it still have this effect.

  "There is a saying in the East that turns the original soup into the original food, and this dumpling soup is the truth." "

  Doesn't it mean that it can only help the dumplings to digest, and other things don't work?"

  Joseph also knew that his words were not reliable, But still reluctantly explained: "Theoretically, it is like this." I thought Joanna would continue to ask, but who thought: "God! It's so amazing