
Unlike the movies, the news immediately spread to the whole magical Britain. It was not disclosed to international papers as it would undermine Hogwarts as well as British ministry's power.

Parents were worried about their children's safety but Ela assured them that she will not let any harm fall on them.

A thorough investigation was conducted about the incident. And it was concluded that someone of the teaching staff was responsible for bringing trolls inside Hogwarts. Some casted their suspicion on Ela and wives but all proved false.

Ela already knew that it was Dumbledore's plan from beginning. He wanted to use this incident to either kill some students and prove the aurors inadequate or kill Ela and some new teaching staff or to put the blame on Ela that she did it to boost her on fame.

Ela was obviously not bothered by it neither were the students and her wives. They all knew Ela's plans to deal such a severe blow to Dumbledore that he will never be able to recover from them.

The classes continued as usual and students were are too pleased and busy to cause trouble. Ela noticed that the rule breaking is at all times low at Hogwarts as contrary to earlier situation where students were given nominal practical assistance and were made to do needless written assignments that were a complete waste of time, now the students really enjoyed really spending time learning magic.

Because of the books Ela published, there was always a crowd of students around the various clubs as now students did not need to search for many different books to gather all relevant information about one single books.

The books available in library are the most impractical books Ela had ever read. It was like the author was writing a diary not book. They dont even varify facts before writing and printing them in the books. In many countries, there are departments or agencies that are responsible for regulating and overseeing the publishing industry. These departments or agencies may be responsible for issues such as copyright law, censorship, and the promotion of literature and reading. They may also provide support and funding for writers, publishers, and literary organizations.

Ela proposed for a similar department to be made by British MOM. The issue remained pending as many authors, who were supported by pureblood houses from the dark, protested against it. Ela was also not in any hurry as she knew next year the appointment of one Gilderoy Lockhart will present her with an excellent opportunity to make a fool of Dumbledore as well as those pureblood houses.

There were certainly some students who just did not want to abandon their old ways. Weasleys being the top on that list. Ron was spending most of his evenings in detention with filch who was relieved of his duty as Hogwarts' caretaker and was appointed as a toilet and bathroom cleaner for Hogwarts. Ela thought they would hit if off as they both were jealous, cruel, self conscious and someone who blames others for their own shortcomings. Twins were also given a reality check when Ela suspended them for the first time. They realised that Dumbledore will not be able to save their asses anymore and Ela is not gonna tolerate their vulgar and disgusting pranks in Hogwarts.

Percy had an intense argument with Penelope Clearwater for her going to Hufflepuff which earned him 2 tight slaps on both sides of his face from Penelope as well as hostility from whole Hufflepuff house and all the girls. In order to discredit Ela, Percy tried to get Penelope's statement that she was forced to change house by Ela. When she broke her relationship with him in disgust, he dosed her juice with love potion which Tonks sniffed out before Penelope could ingest it. He lost his prefect badge, banned from having any position of authority, and directly suspended from Hogwarts for 2 months. Molly Weasley was also fined 1000 gallons for helping his underage son concoct a love potion.

Leaving aside this problematic family, Ela waited in anticipation for the year end drama. She spent her Christmas with her family in muggle London. They stay in various 5 star hotels and visited many movie theater, shopping malls, clubs, amusement parks and game parlours.

Dumbledore used Harry's Hufflepuff housemates to direct him towards the third floor corridor and save the stone from being lost. He was very carefull and used mind magic liberally to avoid getting Ela's attention in advance and Ela also let him think that he succeeded in doing so.

One evening Ela was in her office with her wives when she got a message from Bree.

"Sister, Dumbledore has just placed the stone inside mirror of erised and he is going towards the third floor corridor to put it as the bait." Bree informed through Pandora's watch.

"Finally.... Bree keep an eye on snape and you know what to do" Ela instructed.

They all waited in anticipation and indeed an owl came with letters informing Ela that some wizards in black robes were attacking the wards of Amberheart Castle but fled when aurors came to arrest them.

The next day another news came that caused an uproar in the ministry. The most feared Dark witch, Dark lady Kali has put her sight on British MOM. It is suspected that she will lead her followers in attacking MOM during the next 2 days. All the aurors were called back to report and prepare for the impending attack. Aulis and Marlene also left Hogwarts and went to ministry to support them.