Chapter 18: Answers!

Back at the base, the guild members gathered in a secure interrogation room, their captive seated before them. The room was bathed in a cold, unforgiving light, casting sharp shadows that seemed to mirror the tension in the air.

Sky's gaze bore into the captive's eyes, his voice firm and unwavering. "We need answers. Names, locations—everything you know about this operation."

The operative's defiance had waned, replaced by a sense of resignation. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the table before him. "You think you can make me talk? You're naive."

Mia's fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, her expression unyielding. "We have ways of making you cooperate. It's in your best interest to provide us with the information we need."

Kellan's voice held a note of empathy, a reminder that they were dealing with a person, no matter their deeds. "We understand that you might be trapped in this too. You have a chance to do the right thing."

The operative's eyes flickered, a momentary hesitation that betrayed a crack in his resolve. "What do you want to know?"

Sophia's voice was measured, her gaze unflinching. "Start by telling us about the higher-ups—the ones pulling the strings. Who are they, and what's their endgame?"

The operative's lips curled into a bitter smile. "You think you can take down those at the top? You have no idea what you're up against."

Lila's voice was sharp, cutting through the room like a blade. "Try us. We've faced adversity before. We'll expose this operation, no matter how powerful those behind it may be."

As the interrogation unfolded, the guild members probed for information, peeling back the layers of the operative's knowledge. Names were revealed, connections uncovered, and a clearer picture of the operation's scope emerged.

Sky's voice was unyielding as he leaned forward. "Tell us about the locations where the experiments are being conducted. We need to put an end to the suffering of those innocent children."

The operative's shoulders slumped, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "There are secret facilities, hidden away in remote areas. They're heavily guarded, nearly impenetrable."

Mia's eyes narrowed, her voice unwavering. "We've faced challenges before. We'll find a way to dismantle these facilities and rescue those children."

Kellan's voice held a mixture of empathy and determination. "You can help us save lives. It's not too late to make amends for your role in this."

As the hours passed, the interrogation continued, the guild members chipping away at the operative's defenses, extracting crucial information that would guide their next steps. The room was a battlefield of words, a testament to their determination to uncover the truth.

By the time they concluded, the operative's resolve had crumbled, his cooperation a hard-fought victory. The guild members left the room, their expressions a mix of weariness and triumph. They had unveiled secrets that had remained hidden in the shadows for far too long, and with each revelation, they grew closer to the heart of the darkness they sought to dismantle.

The road ahead was treacherous, but the guild members were united by a common purpose—a relentless pursuit of justice and the unwavering belief that their actions could bring about the redemption their world so desperately needed.