Chapter 22: Midnight Strategies

Rome let out a yawn so loud it echoed through the base, drawing amused glances from his fellow guild members. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep as he shuffled into the meeting room.

Sky stood at the head of the room, his expression focused and determined. "Alright, everyone, let's gather around. We have a mission to discuss."

Lucas stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the holographic display before them. "I've studied the layout of the facility extensively. The best approach would be through the ventilation system. It's narrow, but it'll allow us to avoid most of the guards."

Mia's fingers danced across the holographic interface, highlighting key points on the blueprint. "We'll need to move quickly and silently. Our priority is to locate the children and gather evidence of the experiments."

Kellan's voice held a note of caution. "And what about the guards? We can't just leave them unchecked."

Sky nodded in agreement. "That's where Lila and Rome come in. Lila, your expertise in mechanics will be invaluable. We'll need you to disable the security systems and create distractions."

Lila's confident grin was illuminated by the holographic display. "Consider it done. No security system is too complicated for me."

Rome's brow arched in skepticism, a hint of teasing in his tone. "Just as long as you don't set off any alarms."

Lila shot Rome a playful glare. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Sky's attention turned back to Lucas. "And Rome, we'll need your expertise in hand-to-hand combat. Once we locate the children, your skills will ensure their safe extraction."

Rome's chest puffed out with pride, his earlier exhaustion forgotten. "You can count on me, Sky. I'll make sure those kids get out of there unscathed."

Lucas continued to explain the facility's layout, detailing the potential pitfalls and challenges they might encounter. As the meeting progressed, the plan took shape—a delicate dance of stealth, teamwork, and precision.

Their voices filled the room, a symphony of determination and strategy. The mission ahead was fraught with danger, but each member of the guild was resolute, united by a common purpose—to rescue the innocent lives trapped within the clutches of darkness.

As the meeting concluded and the guild members dispersed to make their final preparations, the base was shrouded in an air of anticipation. The hours leading up to the mission were a blur of activity, a flurry of movement as each member readied themselves for the challenges ahead.

In the heart of the night, the shadows of determination stretched across the base, a testament to the unwavering resolve of those who had chosen to stand against the forces of oppression. The darkness may have held secrets and dangers, but within its depths, a glimmer of hope burned brightly, a beacon that guided the guild members forward on their path to redemption.