Chapter 25: Night's Solitude

The base was cloaked in silence as the hours crept past midnight. Sky sat alone in his quarters, his frustration and anger simmering beneath the surface. The encounter with the strategist gnawed at him, a bitter taste of defeat that he couldn't shake. Mason's memory loomed large, his absence felt more acutely than ever.

Fists clenched, Sky stared at the wall, his thoughts swirling in a storm of regret and doubt. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, each failure a heavy blow to his resolve.

A soft knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Mia, Kellan's oldest sister, standing there, a concerned expression in her eyes. Without a word, she entered the room, taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Sky shook his head, his throat too tight for words. She leaned against the headboard, her gaze steady as she studied him.

"It's a tough burden you carry, isn't it?" she said softly.

Sky nodded, his shoulders tense. "I just... I can't seem to beat him, no matter how hard I try."

She sighed, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the bedspread. "You know, Mason used to say that failure isn't the end—it's a chance to learn, to grow stronger."

A pang of grief shot through Sky's heart at the mention of Mason's name. He closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

"He believed in you, Sky. He saw something in you that you might not even see in yourself," she continued.

Sky's voice was barely a whisper. "I just wish he were here. I wish he could guide us through this."

She reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "Mason may be gone, but his legacy lives on in you and your guild. You're not alone in this, Sky."

Tears welled in Sky's eyes, his emotions a tumultuous whirlwind. "I... I don't know if I can live up to his legacy. If I can be the leader they need."

Mia smiled softly. "You already are, Sky. You've brought together a group of individuals who are willing to fight for justice, who are willing to stand up against the darkness. You're giving them hope, just as Mason did for you."

Sky's gaze met hers, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability in his eyes. "Thank you... for reminding me of that."

She squeezed his arm gently. "Anytime, Sky. We're all in this together, and we'll face whatever challenges come our way."

As she stood to leave, Sky felt a weight lifted from his shoulders, a glimmer of hope breaking through the darkness. He watched her go, his heart a little lighter, and as he settled back on his bed, he knew that he wasn't alone in his struggles. The night's solitude had brought an unexpected comfort, a reminder that even in his moments of doubt, he had a support system that would help him carry the weight of their shared mission.