Hunter vs. Lothar (3)

Chapter 92: Hunter vs. Lothar (3)

"Your strength correlates to the number of the ghouls under you, doesn't it? The more ghouls, the stronger you are."

Those words contained only truth.

In his new form, with the Law Of Resurrection in his grasp, Hunter's Death Lord Form leveraged the power only Hunter wielded, increasing his strength by the number of units under his name.

For that reason, he was a lord.

The Death Lord.

It was a power that Hunter drew out with his golden soul, which had frightened the vampires of World Order before.

All of it should have eluded Lothar, as he didn't have this much knowledge. 

Yet, he must have noticed how Hunter's strength had fallen a little when his forces had taken out one of the ghouls, only for it to return as ghouls devoured their fallen comrade to strengthen themselves.

Of course, in this way, the numbers under him fell, yet the quality of the undead was also crucial to this concept.