Chapter 5

Takumi was grateful for the woman's willingness to help him. He knew that he couldn't do it alone, and having allies was crucial to their escape plan.

Over the next few days, she brought him some books and articles about piloting and virtual reality. Takumi devoured the information, trying to learn as much as he could. He would ask her questions, and they would discuss various strategies and techniques.

Meanwhile, over the course of a week, Takumi continued to train in the VR simulations. He was determined to improve his skills and be ready when the time came to escape.

As time passed, Takumi realized that he had not only become actual friends with the woman but also with her colleagues. They would talk about their lives outside the lab, their dreams and aspirations, and even their families. Takumi found himself somewhat genuinely caring for them.

A few days later while Takumi was relaxing after his last punishment which although more painful didn't last as long since he could now defeat three out of the five enemy mechs. His cell door suddenly opened and Dr. Setme walked in followed by the woman who he had a week ago found out was called Katia.

She wheeled in a tray with twenty syringes of familiar-looking liquid that caused Takumi to shiver. Dr. Setme walked over and said, "It came to my attention that you've had this assistant procure you books to improve your piloting skills. An admirable effort on your part and I am happy you're putting in your all to meet my standards. I do however still need to punish you for doing such actions without my say-so. Today I will be teaching you a valuable lesson Alpha that you may not so much breathe without my say-so."

She then turned to Katia who looked as if she were about to cry and said, "Now begin and don't stop until I say you may."

Takumi's heart sank as he realized what was about to happen. He glanced at Katia, who looked down at the tray of syringes with a look of horror on her face. He knew that he couldn't let her get in trouble because of him, so he steeled himself for what was to come.

That evil hag Dr. Setme ordered Katia to begin injecting Takumi with the syringes, one after the other. The pain was excruciating, and Takumi gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his screams. He felt the liquid course through his veins, causing his muscles to spasm and convulse.

Katia stood by, tears streaming down her face, as she watched the torture unfold. Takumi could see the guilt and pain in her eyes, and he knew that he had to do something to help her.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Setme told her to stop the injections after she had used fourteen syringes. Takumi lay on the floor, panting and sweating, his body wracked with pain. He could barely move, but he managed to look up at Katia and whisper, "It's okay. Don't blame yourself. I'll be okay."

Dr. Setme smirked down at him. "Good. Glad to see you're still conscious. Now get up and back to your cell. We have another experiment scheduled in an hour, and I expect you to be ready."

Takumi struggled to his feet, wincing in pain. He stumbled back to his cell, where he collapsed onto the bed. He knew that he couldn't keep enduring this kind of punishment forever, but he also knew that he couldn't give up. Not when there was still hope for escape.

As Takumi lay on the bed, he felt the effects of the syringes slowly wear off. The pain subsided, but he still felt weak and disoriented. He knew he had to keep his spirits up and find a way out of this place.

Over the next few days, Takumi continued to train in the VR simulations, despite the pain and exhaustion. He was determined to improve his skills and be ready when the time came to escape. Katia hadn't visited him in a while so when he asked her colleagues they said she had asked for a week off. It seemed the experience had traumatized her somewhat and all Takumi could do was hope she would be okay.

Takumi also started to observe his surroundings more closely. He tried to memorize the layout of the lab, the positions of the guards, and the security systems in place. He knew that he had to be prepared for every eventuality if he wanted to escape.

As he continued to observe his surroundings, Takumi noticed that there were some weaknesses in the security systems. There were blind spots where the cameras couldn't see, and there were areas where the guards were less vigilant.

A week later Katia returned and when Takumi saw her she looked pale and skinner than before. Her eyes were somewhat red as if she had been crying all this time. When she visited him also she said she was sorry before running away.

This behavior persisted for two weeks before Takumi managed to get her past the guilt with constant words of encouragement. Takumi then found out from Katia that the infant's modifications had finished. The child was a girl and they named her Ouka Nagisa and gave her the code name Aurum 1. Katia would be assigned to look after the one year looking child until she was five when she would be assigned a cell next to Takumi.

"So I guess I won't be seeing you much then Big sister Katia." said Takumi

"Yes but don't worry I asked my friends to keep an eye out for you and help you if they can. I'll do my best so Ouka won't have to suffer." said Katia with a fire burning in her eyes

Takumi said goodbye to Katia with a heavy heart. As she left, he was escorted to the VR simulation room where he was pitted against five enemy mechs. He focused all his attention on defeating his opponents, ignoring the pain and exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm him.

After Takumi's successful simulation, he was escorted to another room by two guards. Dr. Setme and Dr. Koch were already waiting for him there. The room was cold and the walls were made of gray concrete, creating an eerie atmosphere.

"Congratulations Alpha, you have exceeded our expectations," Dr. Koch said with a small smile.

Dr. Setme nodded in agreement. "We are impressed with your progress."

Takumi didn't respond. He knew better than to engage with them unnecessarily. The two doctors exchanged a glance, seemingly displeased with Takumi's lack of enthusiasm.

"Anyway, we have a new experiment we want to try out," Dr. Setme said. "We need to test your hand-eye coordination, endurance, and resilience. This experiment is not going to be easy, but we believe you are up for the challenge."

"What do you want me to do?" Takumi asked, trying to hide his growing sense of unease.

"We want you to stand in the middle of the room and not fall to the ground for the next five minutes," Dr. Koch explained.

"That's it?" Takumi said, surprised. It didn't sound too difficult.

"Ah, but there's a catch," Dr. Setme said with a twisted smile. "We have some of our workers coming in to help 'motivate' you. You will be surrounded by ten men. They will attack you, push you, pull you, and do everything in their power to make you fall to the ground."

Takumi's unease turned into fear. "Please, I don't want to do this," he begged. "I've already proved myself in the simulation. Please, let me rest."

Dr. Koch shook his head. "We are not asking for your permission, Alpha. You are here to serve our purposes, not the other way around."

Takumi's heart raced as the ten men in ski masks entered the room. He tried to brace himself for what was about to come. The men started to circle him, taunting him and making menacing gestures. One of them grabbed his arm and pulled him. Takumi tried to resist, but the man was much stronger than him. He stumbled but managed to keep his balance.

The men continued to push and pull him with some throwing punches, and Takumi dodged and struggled to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground. He could feel the sweat trickling down his forehead and his muscles starting to ache. He could hear the doctors' laughter and the men's jeers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Takumi's legs gave out, and he fell to the ground. The men stopped circling him and left the room without a word.

The guards picked Takumi up and escorted him to his room. "You did well," one of them said. "You almost lasted four minutes."

Takumi collapsed on his bed, exhausted and humiliated. He knew that he was nothing but a pawn in their twisted game.