Ice Stitching

Feeling exhausted after emptying his stomach, Fang Hao sighed and crawled into bed. He had no energy left, and all he wanted was a good sleep.

He understood why Yu Rui had him start taking the pills. Now on the path of a cultivator, he needed to learn to control his body's reactions. He had to be able to hold in the contents of his stomach until he could dissolve them at a higher stage.

Closing his eyes, Fang Hao looked forward to the next day. With these thoughts in mind, he fell into a slumber, only to wake up with Lin Niang in his room.

It had become a familiar sight, and he was already used to it. He got up, yawned, and stretched before asking her, "Aunt Niang, are you the one in charge of my transport?" He asked her playfully as if she were the driver.

"Yes, Little Hao. When you're ready, we'll go," she nodded, waiting for his response.

"Didn't Yu Rui mention a specific time for us to arrive?" he inquired, unsure of the timing.

"It doesn't matter. She's there cultivating. We'll head over when you're ready," Lin Niang replied casually.

"I understand. Let me wash my face, and then we can leave," he nodded, splashing water on his face and studying his reflection in the mirror.

With black hair that flowed down to the back of his neck, he found himself suited to this longer style.

His brown eyes and clear face held a playful glint as he studied himself, adjusting his robes before letting Ning know that he was ready.

Asking him to come along, she led him outside and called for their transportation. Once they were aboard, they headed back to the training field.

Lin Niang initiated the conversation, "Hao, you'll be staying here for the next five years until it's time to enter the sect. While you can come and go, your focus should be on learning as much as possible during this rare opportunity."

She emphasized the significance of his situation, highlighting that not everyone had such a fortunate beginning.

"I understand. Yu Rui is a good Master," he nodded in agreement, appreciating the value of the formations he had learned.

Upon reaching their destination, they found her seated with her eyes closed. She opened them as they landed and greeted Lin Niang with a nod.

"I will go. If you need anything, tell your master to inform me," she conveyed a brief message to Yu Rui and then departed on the leaf, leaving Hao alone. This marked the beginning of his true training journey.

"Time is of the essence," she stated, tossing two books and a pen toward him.

One of the books displayed a basic array diagram with accompanying explanations, while the other remained completely blank.

"What are these for, Master?" he questioned, his brow creasing in bewilderment as he glanced at the empty pages of the second book.

"This will come later. First, familiarize yourself with the basic diagram design technique I provided in the first book," Yu Rui instructed, taking a seat.

Fang Hao nodded and began to study, absorbing the information about the diagram design. It seemed quite straightforward, utilizing lines as he had learned in formations, but now arranged in a circular pattern.

The technique also outlined different applications, but limited to a single type of attack: a straight beam.

This diagram was the most basic one available, serving as the foundation. After spending several hours studying it, Fang Hao stood up and nodded to Yu Rui, who also rose from her seat.

"You will observe my technique and write down what you see. Then, you will attempt it yourself," she replied softly and briefly, avoiding a detailed explanation.

Yu Rui stood with a serious expression, her gaze fixed on a distant pillar. "Hao, pay close attention. I'm about to tell you something that I want you to remember no matter what, even if your father disagrees. This is the most important lesson for you as my disciple."

Her aura began to radiate, intentionally avoiding Hao, causing him to tremble slightly.

He understood that it wasn't directed at him and tried his best to stay calm.

"I am not a pure Arraymaster like you're destined to become. My talent in that field is average at best; I excel in the Ice Dao." As snowflakes began to descend, forming a small circle around Hao, the temperature dropped noticeably.

Continuing, she explained, "The technique I utilize is called 'Ice Stitching'. I've built upon the foundational diagram I shared with you, but I've made modifications to tailor it to my needs, enhancing its power and versatility."

Raising a finger, she traced a line through the air, the pressure along the path growing more intense.

"Every technique in the world is the creation of someone. This is my creation." She paused as she drew a circle within the line, followed by a complex design.

"While I can demonstrate it to you, I won't teach it to you." Her gaze shifted to him. "Can you guess why?"

"Because it's yours," Hao answered, jotting down his understanding of her skill.

"Yes, that's correct. This technique is my creation. But there's another reason as well. Do you think my clothes would fit you?" she inquired. Hao paused in his writing, glancing at her robes which were significantly larger than his own due to his youthful stature.

"I do believe they would fit me," he replied, grasping the essence of her explanation.

A twitch appeared in Yu Rui's eye upon hearing his response, causing the temperature to drop even further.

Hao quickly clarified, "Your robes are too big for me, just like how I can't fully wield the power of your technique if it's not entirely mine." He spoke rapidly, hoping to prevent Rui from making it any colder—he was already shivering.

"Yes," she replied plainly before continuing with a serious tone.

"Your path is your own. Your father cultivates the Sword Dao, but that doesn't mean you have to follow. The same goes for me and my technique. Try to grasp as much as you can and then make it your own."

As she finished speaking, the circle in the sky was complete, and an extremely fast beam of light, like a laser, shot forward from it, striking the pillar and leaving a deep cut in its surface.

Cancelling her skill, she turned to see Hao shaking from the cold but still writing seriously about what he had witnessed. Nodding in satisfaction, she waited until he had finished.

"Master," Fang Hao said, closing the book and looking at her with gratitude. He stood up and moved beside her, closing his eyes as the image of Yu Rui drawing the circle played in his mind.

Taking a gentle breath, he directed his inner energy to the very tip of his finger, carefully forming a circular shape similar to what he had seen in the book.

While he didn't mimic his master's lines, he added some small extra details as the technique advised.

The circle he had drawn in the sky quivered, making cracking noises before breaking apart into tiny particles.

Hao panted, his fingers gingerly touching his nose as he noticed a minor nosebleed—a clear sign of the technique's failure and the resulting backlash.

"Sit down and calm yourself. Read the book and meditate before attempting again," she instructed, watching attentively in case of an emergency.

Hao examined the diagram book, ensuring he didn't miss any details. After reviewing what he had written in the empty one and managing to regain his composure, he rested for a bit before attempting the technique once more. This time, he drew the circle with greater stability. It still trembled and cracked, but it held together.

He proceeded to work on the complex design, though it was evident that his version was less advanced, with only a few lines.

The circle started to shake again, flickering as if on the brink of collapsing. Hao acted swiftly, supplying it with the last of his remaining spiritual energy.

The circle shot forward, but its aim was slightly off. Instead of hitting the stone pillar, it struck the ground before it, leaving a small cut on the floor.

Observing his own creation and comparing it to his master's work, Hao couldn't help but feel they were worlds apart. Yu Rui approached him and offered her approval with a nod.

Noticing Hao's contemplation, she began to speak, "The first step is crucial, and the technique I demonstrated is just one among the many you can design. This one is mainly used for frontline attacks, and the shape will be up to you. For now, you can use this as a reference."

"It's up to your imagination, experience, and realm to create arrays using symbols, runes, talismans. You can also add items to enhance their effectiveness," she explained.

"This will be all for today. Once you are ready, you will face a captured beast," she said before closing her eyes.

Fang Hao's face turned serious as he started cultivating, practicing the breathing technique from the lotus manual his father had passed down to him.