Night, The Final Goodbyes

As the masked figure lost himself in thought, Fang Hao began bringing out the other bodies one by one placing them down, carefully inspecting the necklaces before moving on to the next.

The masked figure, standing up, followed suit, with a brief pause after each examination. Then, growing increasingly uncertain, he closed his eyes briefly, reopening them to confirm that something was amiss.

He became certain that the necklace was responsible for her death, with no room for mistake.

"Is it possible that hers was different?" Fang Hao suddenly asked, causing the masked man to look over as he inspected the bodies for any differences, each adorned with wounds, and checked the necklaces around their necks.

Falling into a thoughtful silence, the masked man spoke slowly, "It's possible, but that would be going against the rules of the oath." He had no proof to say no, that was also a possible explanation.

"Who is that middle-aged person that Wenxiu mentioned?" Fang Hao looked him straight in the eyes.

Falling silent, the masked man continued, "He is called 'ZiXia Lianti,' an outer elder of the sect. Don't even think of going against him at the moment; you will die. I am not here to babysit."

His warning hung in the air, causing Fang Hao to lower his head and clench his fists in hatred, muttering, "Sword Hall ZiXia Lianti."

Seeing that Fang Hao was still determined to seek revenge, the masked man fell silent. Fang Hao bent down, gazing at Wenxiu's lifeless body with tears in his eyes.

"Fang Hao, I can help you, but you can't hold onto the hatred for the Sword Hall, understood?" The masked man's words made Fang Hao's ears twitch as he turned to look with hope, his expression almost begging. "You can revive her?"

"No, but her soul is still lingering around. You can store it and do that yourself in the future. The world is wide, and nothing is impossible," the masked man replied, shaking his head.

"You will have to find out how, but it's possible, and it has been done a few times," the masked man explained.

"Please tell me how," Fang Hao pleaded, kneeling on the ground. After a moment of contemplation, the masked man spoke up.

"I have noticed that you focus more on arrays and formations than the sword in your fights," the masked man began.

"The method I'm about to tell you might help, but it also comes with consequences. Just remember, nothing is so good without a backsla...."

"I know, tell me," Fang Hao interrupted, standing up with determination, causing the man to sigh.

"We will place her soul in an object, turning it into a vengeful spirit. It will lose its memories, but you can fill them in slowly. However, doing this will deny her the chance to reincarnate in the future and start a brand new life. Are you... sure?" the masked man asked, his gaze shifting between Fang Hao and the lifeless Wenxiu with a somber expression.

"What is your name?" Fang Hao asked, instead of answering the question and got a curt response. "You can call me 'Quing Cun.''

"I will give you some time; you have until nightfall," the masked man stated. He descended from the top floor of the inn and took a seat, closing his eyes. If someone could see behind the mask, they would notice an apologetic expression on his face.

Fang Hao remained kneeling beside Wenxiu, lost in thought about their conversations and the way life used to be. He felt a deep connection to her, something that had clicked when they met, as if they were soulmates.

"Wenxiu, I have a feeling that you wanted to rest," Fang Hao murmured sadly, gazing at her face and gently wiping away the tear that had run down.

"What should I do? You deserve to be free after all," Fang Hao murmured softly as he sat there, reminiscing about their conversations and the night they had spent together, saying his last goodbyes.


Quing Cun ascended the stairs with deliberate, slow steps, causing them to creak under his weight. He found Fang Hao still in the same position. "Fang Hao, what have you decided?" he inquired, his tone carrying curiosity.

Standing up, Fang Hao cast a spell, removing the blood and dirt that had stained him, leaving only the broken hand, which was starting to heal.

Feeling refreshed, Fang Hao gave Wenxiu one last glance before shaking his head. The masked man nodded in satisfaction.

"You didn't make the wrong call," the masked man said, "we cultivators learn to follow our hearts and pursue the Dao."

Fang Hao gazed out through the broken wall at the sunset, his expression filled with sorrow.

However, he narrowed his eyes as he listened to the man's speech. He glanced back at the lifeless Wenxiu once more and then began to speak slowly.

"I have a feeling in my heart that this is what Wenxiu would want," Fang Hao murmured, nodding to himself. He felt a certain certainty that this was her wish.

Then, he whispered softly, "You are right, we cultivators do indeed follow our hearts..."

"Correct, remember this is an important step on the journey of culti—" Qing Cun began to speak, reassuring Fang Hao that it was the right decision, but he was abruptly interrupted, causing his face to frown.

"...I will get revenge for you when the time is right, but the current me is too weak," Fang Hao interrupted the masked figure, causing the figure to fall silent.

"I'm sorry, Wenxiu..." He looked at her lifeless body, his eyes growing serious as he spoke in a determined voice.

"...May you rest. I will carry your memories within me, and I wish you a new start..." Fang Hao's voice grew stronger as he continued.

"Quing does this 'reincarnation' work?" He asked, seeking answers; this was something that effect him too.

"I'm not sure, Fang Hao. Reincarnation is an extremely complex concept, which is why you won't be able to find her if she reincarnates. You become a new person, and as for where the soul ends up? Once it's dark in the night, the souls of the dead are summoned somewhere," Quing Cun explained in a low voice, recognizing the sensitivity of the subject.

"You said they lose their memories?" Fang Hao inquired, and Quing Cun nodded in affirmation. 

"This is ancient knowledge. They become a new person, and as for how good or bad their life new life will be, that is left to karma and luck, something I don't know."

Fang Hao fell silent, reflecting on his own life on Earth. After his death, he found himself in this new body, living a new life but still carrying the memories and mentality of his previous existence.

If what Quing Cun said was true, something didn't quite add up. Fang Hao couldn't help but feel that the situation was far beyond his current understanding and realm of knowledge.

"I see," Fang Hao nodded to Quing Cun and then lowered himself down to one knee and gently picked up Wenxiu's lifeless body with a sorrowful face, staining himself with her blood once again. 

He walked outside as the night was dawning, carrying her lifeless body to give her a proper burial as a final sign of respect. 

The last rays of sunlight light up the place with each step, marking a new beginning.

[Author Note: After receiving feedback and reassessing the plot, I've decided to revise this chapter, particularly the final part. Fang Hao's character has undergone some growth and maturity in these chapters, evident as he prepares to bury a human for the first time.]

Thanks for the ideas ^^