(We are meant to be)

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Kira Peterson is a eighteen year old girl, she is so beautiful and also has a killer shape of a 23 year old lady, she is humble.

It is unfortunate that she came from a poor family, she has a younger brother named Liam, he is 8 year old but he is very sharp for his age.

Kira's parents struggle to see their children become somebody in life, Kira herself work at two different places after school to support her parents.

She has one talent which she don't want anyone to know about, even her parents did not know about it because she thought if her parents know they will think it will distract her from education so she keep it to herself and the talent is singing.

She is very good in singing and she love to sing when she is alone, she discover her singing talent when she was 10 year old.

She was watching a female artist sing on TV when she also started singing along with her and then she discovered that her voice is good and since then she started singing whenever she is alone.

She save up some money and she bought a guitar, she sneak it in through the back door and hid it under the bed, whenever she is alone she took the guitar and play it singing along.

Her parents always hear the voice but they thought it was from the neighboring house and they comment that the person has a very good and sweet voice, not knowing it was their daughter singing.

Kira work very hard in her workplaces and she was given good salary which she use to take care of her needs and some of her brother's own.

She was later lucky to go to a prestigious and good school named MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH SCHOOL for her secondary school.

This school was one of the best schools in America and it is also a school for the rich only, but how did poor Kira get admitted to the school and how did she cope among the rich students. Find out in the story?


This is all about the first main character, the second will be in chapter 2

Love you all❤️