(We are meant to be)

Story by Femi Odubela a.k.a Dammy

Please do not copy or repost🙏


Kira woke up the next day happily, thinking that finally she is going to complete her education and fulfil her dreams.

She went into the bathroom and she step into the bathtub and started washing her body happily, she stay long in the bathroom enjoying the coolness of the water.

After sometime she left the bathroom and dry up her body and also cream her body.

She took her well-ironed uniform of sky blue shirt and a deep blue skirt with a red tie and wore it.

She packed her hair in a ponytail and went downstairs.

When she get downstairs she met her parents and brother in the dinning.

Her father is already dressed for work so he just drank tea and ate two slices of bread and he gave Kira a hundred dollar note to board a cab and he left for his work.

Kira also finish and she went out and board a cab to MOUTAIN TOP HIGH SCHOOL.

As they were on the way she began imagining how the building of the school will be.

She was lost in her imagination that she don't know when they get to the school until the cab driver told her.

She get down and as she saw the magnificent building and how huge it was, she was amazed at the sight.

In the front was written the name of the school.

She entered the school the school and everyone were staring at her and she hate attention.

She walk faster immediately not minding the stares from the students.

She went to the principal's office, when she enter she met a man in his late fifties and he wore a glass.

She greeted him and she told him what she came for and the principal gave her a notebook , a pen and a new brand laptop with a map which she will use to know her place around.

She went out of the principal's office and as she get out she met a girl.


Who is this girl she met and what does she want from her.

Do you think she came to bully her?

Please comment🙏

Love you all❤️