(We are meant to be)

Story by Femi Odubela a.k.a Dammy

Please do not copy or repost🙏


Richard and Raphael wondered why he left for there but later shrug it off and left for their class and sat at their usual place.

Kira saw them both but did not see Richie and she thought he did not come.

Not long after Richie walked in and went to sit at the extreme end of the class alone.

Kira was staring at him as he was going but he did not spare her a glance.

He just went to his sit, Kira also seeing his reaction decide to let him be .

But inside of her she was sad but cover it up with her countenance.

For the rest of the day they didn't speak to each other.

Olivia notice this and decided to ask Kira the reason but she said nothing.

So Olivia let it slide may be she did not want to talk about it and they both left the premises in silent.

When they get to the gate they bid each other goodbye and went their separate ways.

Days passed by and they still didn't talk to each other and Richie was dying inside of him.

He stop thinking of Kira and start thinking of the girl he heard sing.

He wish to see her but he could not.

He suddenly feel lonely and he has not felt it for years.

He left for the music room and he began singing and imagining he was dancing with the girl he heard singing.

He was imagining her face and singing along.

He was so lost in the song that he never knew someone was watching him.

Raphael stood outside the room watching him sing so emotionally and he knew immediately he was in love and he was happy for him.

Richie finish singing after sometimes and was in tears.

He heard someone clap and he turned back and saw Raphael and immediately Raphael hug him and also console him.

He told him he is falling in love but he denied.


Is Richie really falling in love?

Please comment🙏

Love you all❤️