Daredevil baby

Three hours later Ru Singtan came out of the ICU, the now conscious Mu Yichen was rolled out after him.

He looked much better than when he was under the effects of the drug, he did not need to stay in the hospital now that the drug had been successfully removed from his body.

"Sister-in-law it's so nice to meet you, I didn't know my buddy's wife would be this beautiful.."

Ru Singtan smiled at Liu Duoduo before coming serious again.

"Now that everyone is here I'll make the same statement I told Mu Yichen earlier which was, he must not have aphrodisiac in his body, you all have seen what it does to his body, it turns him into a beast and we don't want that to happen. If he's at a party he must be well guarded his system can't handle the effect of an aphrodisiac drug or else one day it might shut down and enter a vegetative state.."

Liu Duoduo gasped it was this serious, she nodded at Ru Singtan now she would surely keep an eye on Mu Yichen.