Nuonuo’s silent treatment(2)

When they came downstairs they saw Nuonuo sitting at the dinning table, eating his food slowly and when he noticed their presence, he dropped his chopsticks and crossed his arms.

Liu Duoduo smiled and walked to meet him, she squatted so they could see each other face to face.

"Nuonuo are you angry at mummy for coming late, I did not mean too something came up and that was why we didn't come home on time yesterday. Mummy missed you so much yet you refused to give mummy a hug."

Liu Duoduo leaned to give him a kiss on his cheeks but he turned his face away.

Much to Liu Duoduo's surprise, what could have made Nuonuo this angry that he even refused to let her give him a kiss.

"Little young master are you done with breakfast, we don't want to be late for school.."

School? Liu Duoduo looked at Mu Yichen who nodded, could that be what was making Nuonuo give them the silent treatment.