Gouxi is a good friend

Aiden nodded and stood up leaving to get more men, he had heard of Mu Yichen lunatic of a right hand man and how he used to torture his victims. No wonder Lana Li was so bloodied in the picture.

Kim Heesung it seemed like they would finally get to meet each other today.

"Has her wounds been treated.."

Kim Heesung asked Qiang Su when he was him coming out of the medical room this was where they kept all their victim when they needed to dress their wounds.

"Yes..she was given the breadstick and milk she's fast asleep now.."

Kim Heesung nodded what a poor lady she wouldn't have messed with Mu Yichen nodded she wouldn't be suffering, even her so called backer had abandoned her.

"What a poor thing, it must be tired..let it rest for five hours to stretch it's limbs and then wake it up with ice cold water. We can't let it think we're being nice to it.."