Helian or Liu(2)

"Go..go more research on her mother and that Meng Qi, give me a detailed list of all she did the year Duoduo was born.."

Mu Yichen felt Meng Qi also had a hand in this, he just didn't know where exactly.


"Boss..it's been a week now are you ready to address the issue on ground.."

Aiden stood beside Yuan Molin quietly, the master had been in the same position for one week now and he had to say this, the master reeked, how can someone who's usually a clean freak go one week without taking a shower. Something was definitely wrong here.

"One week? Seven days has passed so quickly.."

Yuan Molin rubbed his chin which was now covered with beards, this was one of the rare times he had seen the master with beards, he usually shaved as he showered.

"Yes boss..it's been seven days and in those seven days, you only ate thrice, you haven't taken a bath, shaved nor leave this position. You just sit here moping and drinking.."