The Northern Lights(8)

"Mummy the movie has ended, only an hour and thirty minutes has past, we still have eight hours and thirty more minutes, what are we going to do before that time.."

Liu Duoduo stroked her chin there were no drawing pencils around, she would have suggested they draw to pass time, she looked at Mu Yichen and Kim Heesung they were both asleep not much they could do right now.

"Why don't we watch another movie, there's not really anything else to do on a plane.."

Nuonuo sighed he didn't want to watch any more silly cartoons, he got up and ran to one of the female attendants asking her if they had a game console.

"Yes..young master, I'll go set it up.."

Nuonuo nodded and ran back to meet Liu Duoduo.

"Mummy were going to play a game to pass time.."

"But I have no idea how to play the games you like and you can be very competitive.."