An incompetent man

"Then what are you waiting for..quickly round up the men.."

Who dares to kidnap his daughter and where's that son-in-law of his, he did not expect him to be this incompetent, now he really wanted to separate him from his daughter there was no use with a man like that.

"After this is over..I'll get that man and my daughter separated and find a better one for her, he's powerful enough to hide his identity why can't he protect my daughter.."

Bao shook his head they couldn't just head on to judge someone they've never met they only knew about him because of Meng Qi and when can Meng Qi ever be trusted.

"Boss I think we should get to know him first before he tag him as a bad person just yet, after we all once thought Meng Qi had no part in this.."

CEO Helian nodded what Bao said was true he once thought Meng Qi was an innocent victim not knowing she was the culprit.