A wife or knife

"I thought you wanted to find a wife..."

"No what i want is a knife.."


Nuonuo raised his hands in defeat whatever this crazy young man said.

"She's very pretty though.."

Kim Heesung nodded she was indeed beautiful, Kim Heesung held Nuonuo's hand tightly as they walked into the building.

They quickly took the elevator and went to there suite.

"I'll be in the balcony if you need anything.."

Nuonuo nodded and went to take care of himself, Kim Heesung hadn't stayed in the balcony for more than a minute when he heard a loud bang.

"Stay away from me you...jerk"

Kim Heesung looked st the direction of the voice it was the lady he had seen in the sitting area outside the hotel.


The lady waved at Kim Heesung she had soon come to regret her decision when she realized that she was only wearing a light dress and she had nothing to block the cold.