Wanting to be discharged

"Doctor Ru i was just about to look for you.."

"Mhm.. about what?"

Ru Singtan spook as he walked into the room, followed by Nuonuo leaving only Kiu Heesing by the door.

"When can Yichen be discharged.."

"Well in about a week, that should be enough to check his condition.."

Liu Duoduo nodded, which means before Mu Yichen would fully get back to work would be next week.

Which meant, she would take Nuonuo to school in the morning then stay with Mu Yichen till it's closing hours for Nuonuo and go with Kim Heesung to pick up Nuonuo, carry him out for lunch and then bring him to the hospital to see Mu Yichen.

"In a week? Ru Singtan i have company to run, one week is too much, shorten it.."

Ru Singtan sighed, there they go away.

"Yichen can't you wait till you're healed before going back to work.."