Lulu’s a Tigress ! Yichen your taste is too exotic!(2)

"Once we're done with it's den, you'll be able to play with it.."

"Wait why are we the ones doing it?"

"Who says we're doing it, boss hired workers to build a den for it, close to the pond.."

"Since when did they have a pond?"

"Since when the boss got a pet tigress for his son.."

Kim Heesung nodded but he'll have to admit that the little lady was really cute.

"That's understandable.."

Since Liu Duoduo and Nuonuo we're currently heading to meet Mu Yichen in the hospital, they had enough time to deliver the tigress and hopefully the workers would be about to finish on time.

When they got to the house, carrying the cage they strolled to the designated area where the workers were working in, they realized that Mu Yichen had gone all out.

It had a dog house but this time bigger, they could see a large sleeping bed for animals, a scratching post, litter box, also some kind of compartment for food.