The audition(2)

"Now let's begin, Miss Yang, your role is to play Huang Xin, a fearless and ruthless assassin, your job is to kill the crown prince but you get captured by the ruthless third prince, in this scene, you're to show the expressions, such as; anger, coldness, frown etc."

Yang Xinran nodded as she adjusted the black robe she was wearing, what she was about to do was very technical, she hoped to get it right on the first try.

She was to jumped into the wall and somersault off it, landing in one perfect motion.

"Are you ready.."

Yang Xinran closed her eyes and nodded, she knew many of them, were out here so see her fail, no matter how she tried they never believed she was here using her own talent, they claimed she was a kept mistress, so what? He was her boyfriend anyways.She would just have to work harder to make them see, that she had the talent to back the connections behind her.