Divorce or Not(1)

Hei Mingsheng, arrived at the hotel a while ago, he ordered a champagne to pass the time as he patiently waited for Jiu Hian'er. His hair swept back, wear a sweater and pants, he looked like a young scholar, despite being in his fifties.

This year would mark the 25th year of being in love with Jiu Hian'er and trying to win her heart, they had slept with each other a few times but it was only that, which wasn't a enough for it.

"Sorry to keep you waiting..."

Jiu Hian'er quickly apologized, as she took her seat, she still felt it was still too open to discuss such matters with Hei Mingsheng but she'll have to manage.

"You don't have to apologize, I've also runned late myself, so what do you want from me..."

Hei Mingsheng smiled as he looked at Jiu Hian'er expectantly but her words immediately caused him to frown.

"I want you to help me, make a poison..."