Lucifer's Angel

Evangeline sat in her office, staring outside, lost in her own thoughts even as the assistant had placed a towering pile of work in front of her. 

The slight wind outside made her yearn to go out, a longing that she had never felt before almost making it difficult for her to breathe. In the first order of things, she needed to buy a good motorbike for herself so that she could feel that freedom of the wind running through her again. The thrill of the speed and the power of the engine. And then she would forget Luci...

A deep sigh escaped her. She missed Lucifer. Despite being with him only for a few days, she missed him. And that made her angry. All her life, she had kept a distance from people, and been aloof despite yearning to be a part of them and connect, all because of her status. Her father had drilled into her since a young age that she needed to be seen as perfect with not a single weakness visible.