A Misunderstanding

Lucien stared up at Evangeline in bewilderment. Why was she glaring at him suddenly? Hadn't she been understanding before?

"You want to break up with me? And just when I have come to terms with the fact that you used to like Nora! I'll kill you Lucifer. Believe me I will." Since Evangeline's flight or fight instinct had been triggered, this time she decided that she was going to fight. She was going to break this man's teeth the way he seemed to be intent on breaking her heart!

"You. How can you do that? How can you break up with me like this?"

That made Lucien stand up as well, just when he would have found a coffee aimed at his head, he roared," Who is breaking up with you?"

The roar ended up silencing them both and they stared at each other.

Evangeline opened her mouth to say something but was silenced from a scathing glance by Lucien who threatened, "One more word and I will spank your pretty a**. Did you hear a word that I said?"