
"No." Lucien glanced at his brother and directly refused the request, before turning back to the work on his screen. He knew of course if he continued to look at his brother, Ian would definitely succeed easily. And he wasn't going to give in.

Ian scowled back at the man and groaned," Come on Lucy! I'm asking for a favour. And you know I will return the favour when the time comes and you need me."

"I know that but you really need to find someone else for your plan."

"You are the best option Lucy."

"No. I am not."

"Hey! I am the older brother! I know best! And when I say it is you, then it is you!" Ian asserted. 

Lucien rolled his eyes and pointed out," Really? You are going to use that assertion? Do I need to remind you that the last time you used this reasoning, I almost got blown to pieces?"