Turns Out, Nothing is 'Spine'

Amyra took in a full gasp as her vision came to an end, but just before she could speak the door rudely opened without announcement by Ilsandra.

"Hey!" Amyra sneered with offense as the leader of the pack barged in. "We have a deal not to do that, Ilsandra."

"/We/ have a deal not to....Well you know - not to be captives to gross lords and dukes. You girls can't just keep hiding him away - he isn't your friend, you know." The fiery red head insisted with spikes in each work.

"Girls? You can't talk down to me, Ilsandra. I might be young, but remember what I have, and who I am. In my opinion. Alhazier deserves to know what happened to his brothers," Amyra argued as she placed her glasses on far too late to hide from her sister.

"Damn it, Amyra. You looked at his eyes didn't you?" Ilsandra started, but was cut off by the sharp snap of a deep voice.

"Excuse me - I am still here!" Azier shouted out in annoyance. "I happen feel the same way as Amyra. Imagine not knowing what happened to your siblings - can you just let me hear what happened to Xander and Aetier before you do whatever it is you came here to do?" He looked at Ilsandra with a gaze that he hoped would entice her to listen.

The burgundy, busty 'Captain' let out a little growl towards the head-less (er...headful?) prince and darted her gaze to Amyra who was almost as tall as Ilsandra. "Fine, but then bring him down to the brig."

"Wh-aww, come on! The first time I actually stand up for myself and I have to go in the cells?" Azier argued.

"Don't be a bitch, Ilsandra." Amyra said pointedly.

"I'm letting him hear about the demise of his brothers - that isn't being a bitch. Do the history lesson, and then bring him down to the brig. I won't repeat myself." Ilsandra glared at the younger woman with eyes that seemed to glow faintly.

"Get out of my room." Amyra requested cooly.

Ilsandra rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and then walked out only to have Amyra immediately close the door so quickly that it almost hit her back.

"You don't have to be a bitch either," she shot through the door before her heels made their distinct click away from the pair.

"Damn, talk about sibling rivlary. I thought my brothers and I had issues."

"I wish I could give you an idea," Amyra lamented with a heft sigh, and then locked the door so that she could read to him in peace.

"I apologize about her. She's really nice underneath the armor. You just have to catch her in a good mood," she insisted as she took a seat back in the orange-padded chair next to the desk.

"Now then, I take it you would like to hear about Aetier before Xander?" she asked delicately and prepared her fingers to scroll through that same book from before.

Another footnote in history.

Azrael was going to pay so very dearly.

"Yes, please." Azier managed to speak kindly despite his soured mood.

"Of course, my prince" she replied as though to hint her loyalty to him just in case her sister was outside still listening. The cheeky woman had a knack for pretending to walk away in order to spy. She wasn't stupid.

Azier raised his eyebrows in question, to which she merely nodded.

"Aetier Varkys, the eldest of the brothers declined to take his rightful place as heir to the throne. Instead, he 'dared' to defy the wishes of the Supreme Lord and went on a voyage to try to find forbidden parts of the forgotten prince." She only paused to breathe and finished the article after she steadied her breath again.

"While on his adventure, The Supreme Lord tricked a pack of humans into slaying the eldest with something they called 'holy water' - for the Supreme Lord Azrael does not permit deals with humans. Right after the deed was done, it was commanded the entire village be burned to the ground and those that ran to be picked up and fed upon by his dark armies."

"This is very upsetting." Was all Alhazier managed to say as his warped brain tried to take the information in without losing his cool. "I had wondered who it was that squeezed my hand" he barely whispered (but she heard clearly) in contemplation.

"Azier, are you ready to hear about Xander?" Amyra asked before she did anything else.

"Mmm.." he let out grumpily and tried to shake his head, and did poorly.

"Was he your favorite brother?"

"Yes. He always stood up for me no matter what. He often was made our sitter when father left for war. Xander would always play with Tobias and I - and when we were growing, and shedding our skin, he didn't mind helping us peel it away or soak the stubborn spots..." Azier recounted with sadness in his voice. Who could have known he actually still had emotions stuffed away in there?

"Tobias and you were close, too?"

"Very. Like I said - we were basically twins. Total opposites. He was thoughtful, kind, and smart -- and he was well versed in combat. I may have been slightly jealous of him, but my love outweighed that petty emotion. I've missed him and Xander the most all these years. I appreciate you telling me all of this, and for insisting to Ilsandra that I deserved to know."

"Of course. If something happened to one of my loved ones - any of them - I'd want to know. I'd need to know." Amyra agreed and reached out to put her cold hand against his handsome face.

He closed his eyes and took in a steady breath before he finally requested what he feared the most, "please tell me what happened to Xander."

Once again her fingers kicked the pages quickly as she scrolled through each small line. When she got to the page, once more he could only read the title - the only things written in a now dead language as though to give them some homage.

Azrael had always been cruel - but this was a little sick. Why honor them if he enjoyed murdering them? ...Ah, never mind - he got it. The language was dead - and so were his brothers.

What an asshole.

"Xander Varkys died the same day of Rightful Correction in a foolish and futile attempt to duel his father in hopes he could pardon the punished. It was barely a fight, and without mercy or hesitation, King Varkys cut down his own son in hopes it taught the rest of his unruly boys to obey his every command. The Supreme Lord found this to be the spark of inspiration to lead our species into an era of power and glory." Amyra seemed to have a very hard time reading the small blurb, and let out a shattered breath.

To stop himself from crying, Azier merely 'cleared' his throat (although nothing was there) and he avoided Amyra's eyes filled with pity at all costs.

"Amyra," he started softly and paused so he could take another breath to calm his chest from heaving. "Thank you for being my spark of inspiration. Let's see how Azrael likes it when someone is inspired to murder him in terrible ways."