Dread and A Daytime D[ear]lemma

Amyra stared hopelessly at Nacht and gave her a pathetic look. "Hey missy.....would you by chance be able to get me out of here with that key?" She whispered as quietly as she could, but urgency surged through her body and she just wanted to yell.

Luckily, Zephyra had taught her how to control her emotions and she took a deep breath and steadied herself. She had to be patient if she wanted to get out of here alive, and she knew it. Besides, who would want to help a bitch anyway?

The cat licked its paw and looked between Amyra and something on the floor (more than likely that key), and then back to Amyra again.

"Please?" She begged with a hoarse hiss.

As if the cat had to think about it, she took her time a little longer to decide what to do, and eventually stood and batted at the metallic object that skid across the floor with a light hiss.