A Trio of Trouble

Evyra didn't mean to get separated from Ilsandra and Sera -- but when those two male vampires came after them, she thought they had all decided to go in the same direction.

....Apparently she was a fool to think they would follow her lead. All she could do now was hope they had stayed together, and she could beat a few assholes in the face so they'd stop their pursuit.

It was a good thing that it was dark, because the undead ghouls that flooded the caves were all equipped with pillars of green that lit up the area and gave their locations as they came from three separate tunnels that led to where she was.

Fuck yeah. She had some serious aggression she needed to get out, and she wasn't afraid of a few little minions. As the first one came into view, she had to admit that the sight terrified her at first.