Evyra's Warning [200 Collection Special Release]

[*This is a supplemental story to one of the main characters. It can be read alone, but I suggest at least reading a little of the main story to get a better emotional connection. This backstory is a special thank you to all my readers for adding my story to their collections! Upon 400, I plan to do a mass-release of concept art for creatures in my novel*]

Before the war, Evyra remembered how happy and carefree her days had been. Born in the thick jungle near the largest river on earth - the Princess was the pride and joy of her two mothers, both the rulers of their small tribe.

Eshthem and Alina where the two greatest warriors they had to offer, and they ruled over the other women with fairness, and without tolerance to laws being broken. They kept their home safe, and they kept it clean and orderly.