Azrianna's Curse [200 Collection Special Release]

[*This is a supplemental story to one of the main characters. It can be read alone, but I suggest at least reading a little of the main story to get a better emotional connection. This backstory is a special thank you to all my readers for adding my story to their collections! Upon 400, I plan to do a mass-release of concept art for creatures in my novel*]

War had come to her home, and her father had sold all but herself to another male. Ever since the loss of her intended, she had dropped down into a bit of a depression. For a while, she had dreamed that Xander would come and take her away from this Gods forbidden place - but after the news of his death, she contemplated suicide briefly, only to give it up to care for her mother.

Now that her mother had died, her mood was at an all-time low, and death by her own hand felt like the only option.