My First Place Face Plant | Your Gold Metal in Head Bonking

Azier left as fast as he could after the fumble he made with Yrsula. He cared about her, that was true - and sure, she meant something to him, but was it truly a lot?

He tried not to think about it as he whisked through the rain in search of something to eat as he made his way to the human village to ensure they were still in tact. With the use of the speed he recently cultivated, the trip was quick and at least he didn't return to complete destruction or chaos.

To his surprise, a lot of the primitive creatures had gone to the second floor of the destroyed buildings and made make-shift shelters with pieces of wood that had fallen apart in the rain. He could see fires glow behind their walls, and knew they were fine - which was great - because he didn't want to have to find another group of people to have to assimilate here. That would just be a pain in the ass he didn't have time for on his quest.