Lost in the B[l]ack Sleep

It had taken hours, and he was drained of both patience, and mana -- but he had managed it. He had made two successful light spheres, and although the first one was a bit shoddy and had issues with being able to be turned on smoothly - the other was nearly totally...okay. It lit up at least, and didn't flicker a few times until it fully blossomed into the bulb it was supposed to be.

Azier was just proud to be back to the tasks he had before him, and not out there with all the drama and bullshit one had to typically wade through in a war like this. Hell, he was pretty sure he was more exhausted when he had to dole out his emotions than when he had to imbue magic into objects.

It wasn't a 'sleepy' kind of tired, either. His bones ached, his body pulsed as though he had done five hours of hard labor, and his eyes hurt from just being opened to do their job.