A Castle Of Sisters: A Tale of Survival

Zephyra didn't wait around to die. If she went back into that closet to lay down, she knew she'd never get back up again. Instead, she opted to fly back towards the island where they had crashed. It wasn't going to be long until the sun rose, so she needed to get there quickly.

It was a good thing they hadn't gone too far - and now that she had discovered her past home, she knew exactly where she was now. She even knew that island, but far before it had grown life on it. When Zephyra had known it in her life, it was still a new mass of land that had an active volcano on it. As a child she'd watch the smoke rise from the sea from far off when she looked out from her window, and sometimes she'd be able to see a faint glow.

In her mind, it wasn't too far away. If she just pushed herself, she'd be okay - and she had to believe that, or she would perish.