Dagon in Troubled Waters

Dagon was told there was a boat in the ocean, and yet when he went out to look - he saw nothing - and not he was agitated. "Where did you say it was again?" He sighed with agitation as he noted that nothing was in the harbor, or even out at sea for that matter.

"Sir, I assure you - we all saw something out there. It was a large ship - but when we turned around to grab the telescope - it had already vanished." The first watchman insisted as he frantically gestured towards the ocean and back to the tower they stood in.

"Have you two been drinking, or have you not been sleeping? Which is it?" The prince demanded as he crossed his arms.

"Please, sir - he isn't lying. I saw it too - and it was there and gone in an instant. I argue we should send someone out there to investigate what is out there." The second soldier tried to corroborate the first' claims as he looked nervous and even cowered a little.