A Beauty By The Sea

When Yrsula woke up, she expected to be in Azier's cabin with him at her side.

Instead, she awoke to a handsome man who sat next to her bedside as he read a book quietly. At first she though it had been the man she had fallen so deeply in love with, but soon her vision cleared after she blinked a few times, and to her horror - it was a stranger.

His face was long and subtly curved - but it had square features towards the back of his jaw which was a little uncanny - but for his facial structure, it worked well. Especially when his long, black hair cascaded down the side of it - the point of his chin just worked well with the curve of his neck and his side profile.

The stranger hadn't noticed her stir yet, as he was deep into his book. So she took the time to soak in his figure and stayed still. The way his red eyes scanned back and forth across the page showed her he was a fast reader, and that much like Amyra, when he read - he got lost in the words.