Dagon and Zephyra To The Rescue

Dagon was beyond irked when he heard that Azier had turned up MIA. Not having known his 'new' brother very long now, he had an instant reaction that the younger sibling had just opted out. That was a classic move that Dagon always had to clean up after.

It looked like today was no exception. He silently stewed as he tapped his fingers against the stone window ledge as he watched the mauve red of the sun set far too slowly for his preference, and felt his skin itch as he waited on pins and needles to leave.

Luckily, Zephyra walked into his room and broke up his thoughts with a soft voice that let him know she had arrived. "Impatient still? I told you that time would go faster if you slept..."

"I couldn't sleep." Dagon stated and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he pinched it.