Not Like The Old Days

"Azier - go upstairs and get me some wrappings. Let me adjust her skeletal structure...." Tobias offered in haste as nothing else entered his mind as an excuse.

What he thought would be an agreeable instruction was instantly refuted by the younger sibling as he soured his face and turned it towards the elder with confusion. "What? Why don't you do that - I don't know where your stuff is."

"Are you familiar with the skeletal structure of a human?" The scholar questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

"...No..." Azier admitted sullenly.

"Well, I am." Tobias lied and pointed up the stairs. "Let me adjust her head and neck to make sure there are no issues, go and grab me said supplies."

"Y-yeah, okay. I can do that." Azier responded with a far more helpful tone and went up the stairs towards the next floor of the tall lighthouse.