Chapter 26

As Mavka's fingers affectionately ruffled my hair, she gave a sheepish shrug, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "It's a bit complicated, and you might not fully grasp it. But come on, let's go. I should try to prevent Shinobu from turning those two into pulp." Her reassuring smile put me at ease as she gently guided me toward the door. Intrigue swirled within me, the mysteries surrounding this group fueling my growing desire to uncover their secrets.


Exiting the dining hall alongside Mavka, I couldn't help but feel a charged atmosphere, thick with anticipation and curiosity. Something told me that there was far more to this situation than met the eye. Mavka's purposeful steps matched my stride, and as we moved, my mind became a whirlwind of questions, each demanding answers.

We traversed a corridor adorned with tapestries and ancient paintings, each portraying a different tale from various eras and realms. The decorations seemed to mirror the intricate complexity of the world I now found myself in, blending history with the fantastical to weave a tapestry of enigma.

Rounding a corner, the sounds of voices grew louder, punctuated by thuds and the unmistakable echo of someone venting their frustrations. Approaching a pair of massive double doors, the cacophony of noise emanating from within seemed at odds with the imposing presence of the doors themselves. Mavka, with a practiced gesture, pushed one of the doors open, revealing a sight that both captivated and bewildered my senses.

The room that lay before us was expansive, its dimensions stretching beyond my initial glance. Dust particles danced in the sunlight that streamed through the windows, casting intricate patterns on the worn stone floor. Positioned at the center of the room, a circle had been meticulously drawn, and within its bounds stood two figures. As I focused my gaze, it became evident that the figures were positioned closer to the door, while on the opposite side stood Shinobu, her demeanor a mix of fury and frustration.

Eager to gain a better view, I took a few steps forward. However, an unexpected chill seemed to pass through me, causing me to pause. Looking up, I found the first figure becoming clearer.

Before me stood a man with silver hair, its cascading shimmer reminiscent of liquid mercury. His piercing blue eyes bore an intensity that sent shivers down my spine, their cold gaze unwavering.

His presence was a force to be reckoned with, an aura that radiated a blend of authority and danger. Despite the distance between us, his tall frame seemed to dominate the space, his attire of dark clothing billowing as if moved by an unseen wind.

The hilt of his katana, the Yamato, protruded over his shoulder, a visible testament to his battles and triumphs over demons.

As my gaze remained fixed upon him, a whirlwind of thoughts took root within my mind. What was he concealing? What motivations drove him? His expression held an unyielding determination, his jawline sharp and resolute. It was as though he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders, his contemplative stance a testament to the countless burdens he bore.

I swiftly shifted my gaze behind me, locking onto Mavka, who stood a few paces away. Pointing towards the man with silver hair, my curiosity surged, and I inquired, "Who is this?"

A gentle smile graced Mavka's lips as she replied, "His name is Vergil. He's among the guardians your mother sent to watch over you. Starting today, he'll be your personal trainer."

As Mavka's words settled, a sudden outburst sliced through the air, an angry voice demanding attention. "Why did the two of you waste time coming back? Now the delectable dinner I toiled over has grown cold. What sort of punishment do you deserve for this?" The voice bore an unmistakable tone of ire, and I turned my head to find its source.

Shinobu stood there, her stance tense and her hands pressed to her shoulders as if trying to contain her frustration. Her face was flushed with anger, a fiery intensity sparking within her iris-laden eyes. It was Shinobu, her presence radiating indignation.

"Apologies, Shinobu. We didn't intend to be late," came the response from another figure beside Vergil. I shifted my attention to Lupin, his silver locks catching the dim light in a subtle gleam. His coat seemed to dance behind him, a testament to his sudden movement as he spoke. There was an earnestness in his tone, an explanation waiting to be heard.

"Is encountering a mid-tier demon, the Minotaur, reason enough for tardiness?" Shinobu retorted, her voice laden with a potent mixture of skepticism and reprimand. The room seemed to tremble with her release of intense bloodlust, an atmosphere suddenly weighed down by her aura. My gaze flitted from Vergil to Lupin, the dynamics within the room shifting palpably.

"Didn't I mention that reasoning with that ancient vampire would be futile? We should have taken a different approach from the start," Vergil's words were laced with a readiness for combat, his stance adjusting as if preparing for a confrontation that might ensue.

"Vergil, silence your tongue before you provoke her further," Lupin's response was swift, his eyes trained on Shinobu to gauge her reaction. I watched Lupin swallow, a visible sign of his apprehension in the face of Shinobu's burgeoning fury.

A hushed excitement flickered in Jade's expression, and her words dripped with anticipation, "Now they've really done it."

"P-Please, Shinobu, don't Kill them," Hermione's voice trembled with trepidation, her hands pressed tightly over her closed eyes as if to shield herself from the impending storm.

Mavka's exasperation was palpable as she slapped her forehead with one hand, her voice laden with a mix of resignation and mild annoyance. "They've truly managed to complicate matters, i just hope Shinobu will let them go with some light wounds."

I shifted my gaze towards Mavka, curiosity tugging at my thoughts. The question that had been simmering within me escaped my lips, "Is Shinobu truly stronger than both Lupin and Vergil?"

Mavka's eyes met mine, a knowing smile curving her lips as she responded, "Indeed, she holds the title of the oldest and strongest among us. Even Vergil finds himself bested by her time and again, his rough edges and fiery demeanor no match for her prowess."