Chapter Ten:The Sleepover.

That night Marissa couldn't be able to stop thinking about him, blue eyes and jet black hair that didn't stop invading her mind and it was at this point that she knew that she had done the most foolish thing ever, after stopping him to offer him a proposition to buy him a drink when he's free without asking for his name.

He was nothing but a stranger. 

A stranger who has successfully distracted her, from whatever it was Sasha was saying as they slept on her bed, until eventually she noticed her distracted mind and snapped.

"Marissa!" Sashas voice thundered in the room, she came over for a sleepover at Marissa's place only to find out that she's acting strange.

Strange not in a bad way, bit in a really good way because she was just staring into blank space with this huge smile on her face.

At first she stopped talking to know if she would notice, if truly she was hearing what she was saying only to discover that the girl was long gone. Marissa was behaving like she's inlove and that's something she's going to find out right now!

"What?" Marissa sat up with a gasp, before looking at her searching eyes that were expecting her to spill out what was happening in her head.

But no!

She's not going to do that, she didn't want to tell her anything…yet! Until she's confirmed who he is, and until she had gotten what she wanted from him.

"Who is he?" Sasha asked, perching closer to her while Marissa avoided her gaze,her eyes ran all over the place nervously to look away from her inquisitive eyes.

"Who is who?" She feigned ignorance as if she didn't know what Sasha was saying, Sasha was like mother a hawk who could literally see through her. She only hoped that she doesn't make the mistake of letting the cat out of the bag just yet. Until she's sure about who Mr. Blue yee was.

In case no one didn't knew Sasha, Marissa knew her better than her parents. The one thing she's going to do once she finds out that she's a tad bit intrested in someone, she would pressure her into giving her all just like it was with Ryan.

Marissa didn't want to admit that she didn't see the red flag in Ryan, it was pretty obvious from the way he always find silly excuses to ruin their dates, and insult her not directly about her bored she was, and a goody two shoes virgin bitch, just because she didn't let him into her pants.

Unlike her who started to observe those changes in him, and has started making up her mind to tell him to leave. Sasha was too late to realize it all. If anything, she didn't believe her when she told her about Ryan, because she was too blinded by her term of a happy ever after for her and Ryan. Something she had brought up due to the fact that she wanted her to have a family.

To have someone she can call her own, and for that same someone to love her truly for what she is, without abandoning her just like her mother did. So, with that being said, she's taking things slow.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Sasha. There's no he." She said, avoiding her gaze by standing up to go to the bathroom, but who is she kidding? Sasha followed her too.

"Is there something bothering you, Marissa? What's the use of having a girl's sleepover, or being here if you don't understand that i am here.. I'm here for you, girl. Tell me?" Sasha pressured her, misunderstanding the whole situation and that pissed her off, because right now all she needed was a little space.

"Well am fine, I didn't actually ask for this, neither did i ask for you to be here for me. Why are you stating all these as if I owe you anything, or am going to pay you for doing all these. I never asked for ANYTHING!!" she yelled, breaking the mug that was somewhere on her way ontop of the table after she was coming out of the bathroom.

A knock on her door, and a warning from her neighbor, reminded her how she's living in a shitty environment. It's pretty obvious everyone could hear their conversation, but that wasn't her problem until she realized what she has done.

"Sasha.." she called, stepping closer to her but she backed up, moving away from her while trying to control her tears.

"It's okay, I understand." Sasha said, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, before adding." All i have done was just to make you happy, Marissa. I know you are hurting but that doesn't give you the right to hurt people who are offering to help you." She said lastly, before making her back into the room while she followed suit.

"Sasha, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out that way to you. I just…" she paused, watching Sasha pack her belongings into the bag she came with, she was leaving.

"I went to her house, I heard she remarried and i went to see for myself if that was true." She added, and this Sasha stopped what she was doing and looked at her.

"I didn't wanted to go, but I..can't.." Marissa sniffed," I just wanted to find out for myself if she was happy while after ruining my life." 

"Marissa, stop. You don't have to talk about it ." Sasha moved closer, taking her hands into her own.

"No, let me speak, please." She begged, before continuing." She was happy, Sasha. She has a kid with him, she was fucking happy while am…a disaster!" She broke down into tears.

"Marissa, stop." Sasha cuddled with her on the bed,"it's time you stop putting your happiness in people who don't deserve it. Let go of the pain in your heart, Marissa. Only that would you be able to be happy."

"I can't…her words lives rent free in my head. I don't think i can ever be normal again, everyone i have loved, leaves me. My dad, mom, Ryan, maybe you will do the same at some point soon."She added, making Sashas heart bleed at her saying that she's going to leave her.

"No am not, I promised you, Marissa. It's always you and me till the end. I am not leaving, not now, not ever." Sasha said, pecking her hair while she let her pain flow with her tears.

"Promise me?" Marissa asked, it might sound foolish but she still wanted her to promise her. Her abandonment issues were messing with her everyday life, and  if Sasha eventually leaves like the others, she's definitely going to lose her shit.

"I promise, girl." Sasha said, making her to breathe in satisfaction.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean to hurt you." She said, but Sasha shushed her.

"It's time to sleep, we will talk in the morning."Sasha said, wrapping her arms around her, and watched her close her eyes before she did the same.

It didn't take moments for Sasha to be out like a light, but Marissa was wide awake and even after taking her drugs to help with the insomnia. She couldn't rest, until she closed her eyes and thought of blue eyes.

She thought of him, only then did she manage to give in to sleep for the night.