Chapter Thirteen: Devil's Living Amongst Humans.

"This isn't what we discussed, Michael. You are supposed to be here with me for my first check up." Joanna voiced out her opinion over the phone, to her husband who had bailed out on her at the last minute after assuring her, that he would be there for their first baby check up.

Not only had his driver fooled her into driving her to the hospital, with the talk that Michael would be arriving soon only for her to end up receiving nothing but a call that he's not going to make it.

"Sweetheart, you need to understand that i didn't mean to do that, I have something important to…"

"What's more important than our baby?" She cut his conversation shut, to which if he was present here with her, she would have seen how angry he would be for what she has done.

She understood that Micheal has issues, but that doesn't matter because she's his wife, whether his family accepts it or not, a mere secretary had risen up to the role of the mother of the future heir of Russo oil holdings. That alone was enough for her to endure her marriage with him, because of Diego and her baby.

Aside from that, she knew how much of a player Micheal is, and she wouldn't be surprised if he walks into their room one day to announce that he has another child outside their marriage. That's what everyone was hoping to see, everyone! Especially his father and her sister in law, but she's smart.

Not only was she just a secretary to him in the old days, Joanna has learned of the family business irrespective of her father's disapproval to involve her. He had this sick mentality of the wives being at home, but that was only pertaining to her because Amrita had a successful fashion line, but she didn't want any of that. All she needed was to be closer to anything concerning the company, so in the future Diego's pact to be the future heir of the Russo Oil Holdings would be sleek and easy for him.

"You aren't even in the company, Micheal. So, what could be more important than this?" She snapped, when she heard the laughter of a woman behind his phone. He was probably in a whore house, something that he isn't ashamed of hiding despite his marital status.

"That's enough, Joanna. I will send Diego over if you are bored." Micheal said, shushing the other woman over the phone and that made Joanna more angrier than ever.

But why should she be?

There isn't any different from her and the woman he was with, afterall she seduced her way into his pants and had Diego, their son was the only reason why Micheal married her but then that doesn't mean that he could punish her for it.

What his father termed as a mistake was nothing but a blessing to her, Diego is her world and this baby she's carrying was all that mattered to her. So, no matter how the rest of the others treat her, including him, it's best that they come to the conclusion to accept that she's not leaving. Ever!

"Seriously? If am bored? Micheal, that's all you have to say to me, you put this baby in me!" She snapped, standing up from the bed, while looking towards the door to check if the doctor would be arriving soon.

She had no interest anymore in what brought her here, Micheal was nothing but a douchebag for what he's doing. She's not surprised why his very own father saw him as irresponsible, that's why he favored Edward and his wife over them, regardless of Giovanni because no matter what, they are in unity with each other.

"You wanted a baby didn't you? You asked for this?"Micheal's next comment, nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she didn't allow his words to hurt her any further, so she cut the call on him and turned to pack her belongings.

She's not doing the check up anymore, she doesn't feel like it anymore. While she cleaned the tears that threatened to fall , she heard the door open before hearing her doctor's voice.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Russo, for wasting more time…"

Joanna turned to face her, cutting her words short when she saw that she had pulled out of the maternity dress that she was to wear.

"It doesn't matter, I'm leaving." She said, plainly making the doctor's brow raise up in confusion.

"Madam, I'm sorry if this is…''Doctor Grace apologized, she's scared of losing her job knowing fully well the power the Russo family had all over New York.

"See you next time, Grace." Joanna said, before making her way out to the Elevator. 

The more she was in this hospital, the more she's reminded of Michael's hateful words about her wanting a baby, which practically means that he doesn't want to be a father to this child.

She felt her phone ringing, and when she saw Diego's name on it. She knew that her son would practically find out that something is wrong with her if she answers the call.

So, when she came out of the elevator, she decided to text him instead about her leaving, only for her to bump into someone and her phone fell, then a liquid poured on her dress.

"What the…." Joanna wasn't able to finish her statement, as her eyes scanned over the food that stained her clothes.

"I'm really sorry, I'm so…"Marissa rushed for the lady's phone on the floor, while moving forward to clean her dress with her handkerchief.

From the way the lady was dressed, she didn't need anyone to tell her how rich she was, but that nice gesture was cut short when a slap hit her face, it resonated all over the hospital's lobby that dragged everyone's attention.

"Who do you think you are to touch me?!!" Joanna bitched.

The slap Marissa received made her stand still, as she didn't understand her offense. If anything the woman was the one at fault for not watching where she was going, and bumped into her.

"W.. why?" Her shaky voice asked, as she was already on the verge of crying. Her little confidence she had about today being a good day was crushed.

"You dare to speak again? Do you know how expensive this dress cost?" Joanna fired again, this time everyone was now filming what was happening and she didn't care. All she wanted was to take her aggression out on this foolish girl, that she raised her hand up again to slap her, but it was stopped by another pair of hands.

"That's enough, mother." Diego said, coming out of the blues to save Marissa the embarrassment, and also the scene his mother was causing in the hospital.

"What are you doing? Let go, let me teach this idiot a lesson." Joanna screeched, until Duego dragged her forward to whisper.

"People are watching, mother." He told her, and that's when she came back to her senses, before she looked up then hid her face in total embarrassment before glaring at Marissa who stood there.

"I will …pay for the dress." Marissa said, looking up this time to meet Diego's green eyes, that looked her from head to toe before his nose flared in annoyance but he didn't let that show.

"It's okay, it was nothing but a mistake." He said with a smile, before helping her pick up the plates on the floor, then passed it over to her. From his peripheral view he saw everyone filming what was happening, so that's enough to curb his anger for touching such dirt.

"Thank you." Marissa whispered to her, but then the smirk that graced his lips before he said the last words made her know that he was anything but helping her, made her realize how corky and heartless the rich were.

"You should be grateful. It's nothing but pure luck you are still alive." Diego said lastly, before patting her shoulder then left with his mother glaring lastly at Marissa, while she stood there wondering how on earth there were devils living amongst humans.