Chapter One Hundred And Thirty-Seven:Losing Her Baby.

A hefty slap met Diego face which was turned to his side, the slap was resonating that his mother, Joanna who was making her way briskly into his room stopped outside the door, and when she heard Micheal lay his hands on her son, she barged into his room which has turned out to be his prison, since his grandfather has banned him, and also the guards to make sure he doesn't leave his room, until he gives the order.

"What are you doing?" Joanna said, walking up to where Micheal was infront of Diego, while trying to save her strength for walking towards Diego's room that has stressed her and her baby out.

"Do you have any idea what in the hell you just did? The problem you just caused?" Micheal ignored her, if anything he acted like she doesn't exist since all she cared about was saving Diego's ass, everytime he's in problem, but the obvious truth to not just him but to everyone too.