Chapter 8: Unsheathed

However, just at that moment, an unexpected event occurred.

The painted skin ghost suddenly felt a searing pain coursing through its body, causing it to let out a mournful cry and take two steps back.

Lowering its head, it saw that its waist and abdomen had been covered with over a dozen "Supreme Northern Pole Demon-Slaying Ghost-Killing Talisman" without its knowledge!

These talismans burned fiercely, releasing scorching flames that burned a large hole in its decaying flesh, emitting wisps of green smoke and oozing putrid-smelling greenish blood.

Gu Xu held a stack of "Ghost-Killing Talisman" in his hand, looking at it with a playful smile. "How do I taste?"

The "immobilization" spell of the painted-skin ghost had no effect on him.

His seemingly motionless state earlier was all an act.

"You tricked me, kid!" the painted-skin ghost exclaimed angrily. "Your name isn't even Xiao Changshou!"

"It's true, my name is not Xiao Changshou," Gu Xu chuckled. "But as a cautious cultivator, why should I reveal my true name to a complete stranger?"

"You..." The painted-skin ghost was so angry it couldn't find the words, grinding its teeth together.

A higher-level ghost needed to employ more advanced methods of combat.

As an intelligent high-level monster, the painted-skin ghost had long since looked down on the brute force approach taken by its lower-level brethren.

It had also mastered some peculiar spells.

The "immobilization spell" was one of its trump cards, capable of trapping enemies in place, rendering them unable to move.

However, this spell had conditions—it required the medium of a person's true name.

That's why, when they first met, it was eager to ask Gu Xu and Shi Xiaohan, "May I ask how to address the two of you?"

Gu Xu gave a false name, rendering the spell ineffective.

Thinking of this, the painted skin ghost silently cursed "cunning humans" a hundred times in its heart.

Humans were truly deceptive creatures.

As a ghost that had just begun to infiltrate human society, it was still too naive.

Looking at the furious painted-skin ghost, Gu Xu wiped his nose with his empty hand and continued, "And also, painted-skin ghost, your scent is truly foul, just like the rotting innards of a fish on the verge of putrefaction."

"Since you have the intention of studying the art of disguise, why not take some time to apply some fragrant powder, hang a sachet, and improve your body odor?"



Shi Xiaohan, immobilized by the "immobilization spell," stood still and silently listened to the conversation between Gu Xu and the painted-skin ghost.

It was said that ghosts and monsters were the natural enemies of humans.

But now, the painted-skin ghost seemed more like a pitiful creature being bullied, retreating under the verbal assault from Gu Xu.

What a fascinating spectacle! Shi Xiaohan couldn't help but want to applaud Gu Xu.

The only regret at this moment was her own carelessness; she had actually fallen for the painted-skin ghost's trick! If she could have been involved, it would surely have given the monster a taste of the joy of being unable to live or die!


Seizing the moment when the painted skin ghost was busy healing its wounds, Gu Xu approached Shi Xiaohan and quietly recited the "Purifying Body Incantation":

"To the Supreme High Heaven, soothe my form. My soul and spirit, shrouded in mystic darkness..."

As the incantation finished, the restraints on Shi Xiaohan's body were instantly lifted, and she regained her ability to move.

However, even though the immobilization had been lifted, Shi Xiaohan still felt a bit confused.

Because in her impression, the "Purifying Body Incantation" was a basic spell that every Exorcism Bureau practitioner had to master.

Its purpose was only one—to stabilize the soul and dispel inner demons.

Most of the time, it was quite useless.

It only came in handy when cultivation went awry.

But why could Gu Xu use it to break the painted-skin ghost's immobilization spell?

Could it be that they were learning different versions of the incantation?

Noticing her thoughts, Gu Xu smiled and explained, "Some time ago, I made some improvements to the 'Purifying Body Incantation' and combined it with the 'Purification Talisman' that I recently developed. As long as the level of the ghost or monster isn't too high, it can basically remove any control-type spells and negative effects they impose."

As he spoke, he handed a deep blue talisman to Shi Xiaohan.

Shi Xiaohan took the talisman and saw the complex runes covering it, resembling a celestial script. She felt dizzy just looking at it.

This was something that normal people couldn't understand!

"I don't want to look at it. Take it back!" She promptly returned the "Purification Talisman" to Gu Xu. "I don't have time to study this thing right now."

People who practiced talisman arts were all monsters.

Their brains were definitely different from those of ordinary people.

She silently complained in her heart.

Gu Xu smiled, casually retracting the "Purification Talisman," and said, "You're right, the most important thing now is the battle."

Then he pointed to the painted skin ghost clutching its wound and said, "Xiaohan, from my observation, this painted skin ghost should be at the 'Wild Ghost' level and not too strong.

It managed to defeat us earlier by using an unpredictable trick. But regarding raw power, it's no match for you."

"Yes," Shi Xiaohan coldly hummed in agreement. "This damn evil ghost plays dirty when it can't win fair and square. It's truly despicable and shameless!"

With those words, she drew her heavy long sword from its sheath.

This sword was called Kunwu, forged from the red copper of Mount Kunwu, containing the power of the scorching sun. It was one of the rare weapons capable of inflicting fatal injuries on ghosts.

An ancient book recorded: "This mountain is famous for its copper, red as fire. Forging it into a blade, it can cut jade-like mud."

That described it perfectly.

Two months ago, in order to possess a suitable weapon, Shi Xiaohan left Yishui County and went to the Exorcism Bureau in Qingzhou Prefecture, spending two thousand merits to exchange for this Kunwu Sword.

Since then, she had been inseparable from it and always carried it with her on missions.

Now, Kunwu was finally unsheathed.

Under the sunlight, it glowed with a crimson radiance, resembling solidified flames or scorching lava.

The eyes of the painted skin ghost involuntarily narrowed to slits.

From this crimson sword, it truly sensed the aura of death.

"You will die!" it roared in rage.

A sinister black mist immediately enveloped the entire courtyard.

The injuries caused by the "Ghost-Killing Talisman" healed instantly.

And its body, in an instant, expanded and twisted, with its fangs and nails rapidly lengthening.

From a grotesque green figure—

It transformed into a towering two-story-tall giant green grotesque.


Seeing the raging painted-skin ghost, the boy Wang Guicai let out a scream and fainted directly from fright.

But Gu Xu and Shi Xiaohan remained calm.

"Look, it's getting desperate," Gu Xu taunted expressionlessly.

"So ugly," Shi Xiaohan squinted her eyes and commented. Her focus was perfectly in line with her obsession with appearance.

"Then I leave it to you."

Gu Xu estimated in his heart that if he were to personally deal with the painted skin ghost, he would have to reveal some of his trump cards and pay a considerable price to completely eliminate it.

It would be better to leave it to Shi Xiaohan to handle it—after all, this girl had been itching to try her hand with the sword.

The saying goes...

Why force yourself to carry the burden when victory is easily within reach?

"I've got it covered."

Shi Xiaohan raised her Kunwu Sword and took a step forward.

Countless rays of light illuminated the crimson sky, bathing the blue bricks and gray tiles in a blood-red hue.

The entire mansion seemed to have been adorned with a layer of rouge.

The soul banner fluttered and rustled.

Startled crows took flight.

The painted-skin ghost hadn't even had a chance to scream before it turned into a pile of black ash on the ground.

Shi Xiaohan smiled as she sheathed her sword.

The heavens and earth shed their crimson veil and returned to their natural state.



(1) "To the Supreme High Heaven, soothe my form. My soul and spirit, shrouded in mystic darkness...; Azure Dragon, White Tiger, squadrons in abundance; Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, attendant to my true self. Swift as the law." —Daoist Purifying Body Incantation.

(2) "This mountain is famous for its copper, red as fire. Forging it into a blade, it can cut jade-like mud." —From the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Zhongshan Classic.