Chapter 14: The Screaming Official

The county school was located to the west of Yishui County. It stood adjacent to the West Gate, facing Xuanwu Hill. With its white walls and grey tiles, it exuded a solemn and serene ambiance.

On the lintel of this educational institution hung a plaque inscribed with four shining golden characters that read "Harmony in Governance" exuding a vigorous and powerful aura. If the records in the book were correct, these characters were personally written by the Great Qi Imperial Tutor seven years ago during the post-disaster reconstruction of Yishui County. They were considered the most valuable possession in this school.

Gu Xu encountered Zhou Siqi, the educator, outside the county school. Zhou Siqi was a middle-aged man with a slightly plump figure and a distracted and uneasy expression.

As the educator of the county school, Zhou Siqi held the rank of ninth-grade official. There was one appointed in each county, responsible for the temple rituals and educating all the students. Only those who passed the imperial examination could assume this position.

He could be understood as the principal of the county school.

Gu Xu was a government official, while Zhou Siqi was an official. According to the rules of the Great Qi Dynasty, ordinary officials should kneel and pay respects when they encounter higher-ranking officials.

However, these rules only applied to ordinary people.

The status of Qi's cultivators was transcendent. Even if they met the emperor, they could speak while standing. Ordinary officials also had to behave respectfully in the presence of cultivators.

"Lord Zhou, I am Gu Xu from the Exorcism Bureau, responsible for resolving this case," Gu Xu stepped forward and nodded slightly. "You should remember me."

"Of course," Zhou Siqi's round face filled with flattering smiles. "I have seen the name of Young Hero Gu on the merit list of the Exorcism Bureau more than once. It is truly an honor to meet you today. You are indeed an outstanding and extraordinary young hero."

While speaking, Zhou Siqi's legs involuntarily trembled.

The fear in his heart had clearly not dissipated.

He knew that Gu Xu in front of him was his only lifeline.

Although this young man appeared weak, he represented the Great Qi Exorcism Bureau.

If they wanted to eliminate the ghosts and monsters in the county school, and prevent themselves and the students from becoming prey to the creatures, they had to rely on this young man.

"Take me to the haunted place," Gu Xu said in a calm tone. "I want to see for myself what kind of ghosts and monsters dare to cause trouble in our esteemed Great Qi County School."

Zhou Siqi hesitated.

He stood at the threshold for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and stepped inside.

Gu Xu followed behind him with an expressionless face.

However, as soon as they entered, a black shadow "whooshed" past them like lightning.

"Ah! Ghost!" Zhou Siqi screamed in fright.

He staggered backward, nearly tripping over the threshold.

"Calm down, Lord Zhou," Gu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly. "That was just a cat."

"It... It was me overreacting," Zhou Siqi managed to force a smile on his pale face.

At this moment, Zhou Siqi wished he could find a hole to hide in.

A high-ranking Great Qi official, scared by a cat... If this were to be known, it would become a laughingstock among everyone.


Passing through the ornate gate and walking along the corridor, they moved forward.

The school was silent.

Only faint sounds of the wind and their breathing could be heard.

In this atmosphere of deathly stillness, Zhou Siqi felt increasingly panicked. His silk robe was already drenched in cold sweat.

He even considered turning around and fleeing, getting far away from this eerie place.

But when he thought of his responsibility as an educator, and the safety of the students, he forced himself to continue leading Gu Xu, hoping to provide whatever assistance he could.

At that moment, the sound of resounding recitation gradually emanated from an empty classroom in the northwest corner.

"Gu... Young Hero Gu, this... this is the sound!" Zhou Siqi pointed forward, stammering and teeth chattering.

However, Gu Xu remained unperturbed.

He stood still, listening attentively for a few seconds, then commented, "Lord Zhou, listen carefully. Those ghosts are reciting the 'Four Books with Annotations'... Well, they even got two words wrong."

Zhou Siqi glanced at him with the look of seeing a monster, silently marveling to himself: Indeed, Gu Xu, as a cultivator of the Exorcism Bureau, has a different focus when encountering such strange situations compared to ordinary people.


The source of the recitation sound came from a lecture hall in the northwest corner.

Gu Xu pushed open the door and walked straight in.

The room was dimly lit.

Pale moonlight seeped through the carved windows, barely outlining the shape of the desks and chairs.

"Let me go to the storeroom and fetch a lantern," Zhou Siqi suggested in a low voice.

"No need to trouble yourself," Gu Xu responded calmly.

As he spoke, he reached into his pocket, took out a small booklet, tore out a page, and swiftly drew several complex talismans on the paper with charcoal.

Drawing talismans without understanding invites mockery from spirits and gods; but if one knows the knack of drawing talismans, it startles spirits and gods.

Zhou Jiaoyu stood by, watching him draw the talismans, and in a trance, he faintly heard a distant cry from the heavens, elusive and ethereal. Upon closer examination, however, he felt that the sound resembled his own hallucination, with no trace to be found.

In the blink of an eye, the talismans were complete.

Gu Xu put away the charcoal and folded the piece of paper in his hand twice, and in an instant, the paper transformed into a crimson lantern, radiating a blood-red glow.

Zhou Siqi's eyes widened in astonishment.

As an experienced official, he had seen other cultivators eliminate ghosts before.

But witnessing such a bizarre and mystical spell for the first time, he was taken aback.

"Young Hero Gu is indeed an extraordinary cultivator!" Zhou Siqi couldn't help but mutter to himself. "Such abilities are truly remarkable."

"Just basic skills, nothing to boast about," Gu Xu smiled modestly, downplaying his abilities.


Under the light of the lantern, several figures sitting in the corner of the lecture hall came into view.

They were dressed like scholars.

Wearing gowns and donning headscarves, their faces appeared withered and haggard. They held copies of the "Four Books with Annotations" in their hands, shaking their heads as they read incessantly.

At first glance, one might think they were diligent scholars sacrificing sleep and study to prepare for the imperial examination.

However, after seeing their faces clearly, Zhou Siqi once again screamed in terror.

His legs became weak, and only by reaching out and supporting himself against the wall could he barely remain standing.

"Lord Zhou seems to have a penchant for screaming!" Gu Xu cast a sidelong glance at him and silently labeled him in his mind.

At the same time, the scholars also heard Zhou Siqi's voice.

They put down their books one by one and walked up to Zhou Siqi, bowing in discipleship.

"Greetings, Lord Zhou."

"Lord Zhou, you have truly toiled. Even in the middle of the night, you are concerned about our studies."

"Lord Zhou, I am dull-witted and failed the exam again this year. I apologise for not living up to your teachings."

"Lord Zhou, please believe me. In three years, I will definitely pass the imperial examination and bring glory to your name!"


Looking at those familiar faces, Zhou Siqi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He spoke, his voice filled with emotions:

"Wei Ming, Jiang Wenyuan, He Xiaoliang, Chu Chunhua... Weren't you all dead eight years ago? I personally helped bury you and erected tombstones for you."

The scholars, when called by their names, exchanged bewildered glances, wearing expressions of confusion. They didn't understand what he was saying.