Chapter 27: The Reminiscence Teapot

Under the escort of his entourage, Chu Fengge sat in a splendid palanquin, slowly making his way toward the Exorcism Bureau.

"Xu San, why are there nearly twice as many people gathered here today compared to yesterday?" he poked his head out of the palanquin and frowned, looking at the bustling crowd not far away.

Xu San thought to himself, "That's because Gu Xu, the Yishui minor clerk, made a name for himself yesterday and became the center of attention for everyone."

But he didn't dare say that out loud because he knew that Lord Chu disliked his subordinates praising others in his presence.

So Xu San smiled and replied, "They have all come here specifically to admire your magnificence, Lord Chu."

Chu Fengge nodded in satisfaction, and his furrowed brows relaxed.

At that moment, the noisy clamor of the crowd seemed to become exceptionally pleasing to the ears.


After finishing his breakfast, Gu Xu returned the food box to Shi Xiaohan and headed towards the main hall of the Bureau.

"Hey, wait!" Shi Xiaohan suddenly called out, stopping him in his tracks.

Gu Xu halted and turned back.

"Your headscarf is crooked. Let me fix it for you," she hesitated for a moment and pointed to his head.

"I'll trouble you then, Miss Shi." Gu Xu smiled faintly and bent down.

Shi Xiaohan tiptoed, reaching out to adjust his headscarf.

Her movements were somewhat clumsy.

After all, as the young miss of a noble family, she rarely did such things.

"Alright," she smiled satisfactorily after a while, revealing a pair of sparkling white teeth, "With your headscarf properly in place, you look like a true official of Great Qi."


Ma Qin stood in the courtyard of the Bureau, using the accumulated water on the ground as a mirror, quietly tidying his clothes.

He firmly covered his head with the headscarf, hiding his thinning hair.

Thinking about the upcoming assessment today, he couldn't help but sigh.

The juniors of Great Qi were too formidable.

He wondered if he would ever have a chance to take off this worn-out headscarf and replace it with a grand black hat in his lifetime.


As the morning bell chimed, Gu Xu and Ma Qin entered the main hall of the Bureau at the same time.

Chu Fengge had been waiting for them there.

He occupied the center of the hall, sitting on the Governor's chair that originally belonged to Chen Jisheng. With his legs crossed and a casually played white jade teapot in his hand, he seemed absent-minded, as if no one else existed.

But in fact, the moment Gu Xu stepped over the threshold, Chu Fengge's peripheral vision had already firmly locked onto this exceptionally talented young man.

Although Gu Xu appeared frail with a youthful face that seemed unable to wield even a sword or spear, his gaze was unimaginably calm.

It was as if he had an ice-cold lake within his eyes, undisturbed even in this crucial moment that determined his future and destiny.

"He's a formidable opponent," Chu Fengge silently evaluated in his mind.

After a long silence, Chu Fengge lifted the delicate white jade teapot in his hand and introduced it to the two candidates with a plain tone:

"This teapot is called the 'Reminiscence Teapot'. It is a precious treasure belonging to the Chief of the Exorcism Bureau.

"It can record ghostly cases from the history of the Exorcism Bureau in the form of illusions.

"By reciting specific incantations, you can enter a particular illusion within the teapot and relive past cases.

"The cultivators of the Exorcism Bureau in the capital often engage in real combat training within these illusions.

"And your upcoming assessment will also take place within this 'Reminiscence Teapot'"

Such a marvelous treasure existed in this world!

Upon hearing this, Ma Qin stared at the delicate white jade teapot, marveling at its beauty.

On the other hand, Gu Xu's lips curled slightly as he silently commented in his mind: It seems that what Governor Chen said before was correct. The so-called practical assessment is nothing more than running dungeons within an illusion.

Then, Chu Fengge lightly waved his sleeve, causing two jade tokens to leap from the table and fly into the hands of Gu Xu and Ma Qin respectively.

"The requirements for this assessment are straightforward," Chu Fengge continued, "All you need to do is eliminate all the ghosts and monsters within the illusion.

"The incantation to enter the 'Reminiscence Teapot' has already been inscribed on the jade tokens in your hands.

"If you find the assessment too difficult and wish to give up midway, simply crush the jade token—this will allow you to exit the illusion ahead of time.

"Do you have any questions?"

Before Gu Xu and Ma Qin could speak, Chu Fengge preemptively said, "Since you have no questions, I hereby announce that today's practical assessment has officially begun."

Gu Xu lowered his head and looked at the jade token in his hand.

Engraved on it were shining golden characters:

"All appearances are illusions."(1)

If Chu Fengge was right, these words were the incantation to enter the "Reminiscence Teapot" illusion.

"Junior Brother Gu, are you ready?" Ma Qin tightly grasped the jade token in his hand and asked Gu Xu beside him.

Gu Xu nodded.

Immediately, the two of them sat cross-legged in place and softly recited the incantation inscribed on the jade token.

The translucent and delicate "Reminiscence Teapot" instantly emitted a milky-white glow.

Faint celestial music played in their ears, barely discernible.

Gu Xu slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness gradually sank into darkness, as if entering a sweet dream.


After a long time.

Pinpricks of light appeared in the darkness.

Then, the light expanded, rippling like the surface of a lake, occupying Gu Xu's entire field of vision.

He blinked, finally seeing the scenery before him clearly.

Misty river waters reflected the bright and clear skies, with houses on both banks extending their eaves like painted screens.

Boats adorned with beautiful paintings sailed across the horizon, and flags fluttered in the wind.

Lush willows provided shade, and peach blossoms bloomed, composing a picturesque and enchanting scene of Jiangnan.

It was like a marvelous paradise, so unbelievable that one dared not believe it existed.(2)

This was completely different from the scene Gu Xu had imagined.

He had expected the illusion in this practical assessment to be as gloomy and haunted as the Wang family mansion, filled with a chilling atmosphere and eerie ghosts.

But unexpectedly, it was a scene of spring and tranquillity!

Unusual occurrences indicate the presence of a supernatural force.

Gu Xu didn't relax his vigilance because of this; instead, he became more cautious.

Instinctively, he reached into his pocket.

All the various talismans he usually carried were gone.

The small notebook he used for experimental records was gone.

The porcelain bottle containing pills was also gone.

The only thing left was the jade token that Chu Fengge gave him.

"It seems that in this illusion of the teapot, only consciousness can enter, and I can't bring in weapons or treasures," he thought to himself.

This undoubtedly meant that many of his trump cards couldn't be utilized within this illusion.

But fortunately, he was a talisman cultivator.

As long as there was paper and a brush, along with enough time, he could continuously produce new talismans.

At the same time, Ma Qin beside him said with some regret, "I couldn't bring my saber with me."

As a saber cultivator, he felt as if he had lost an arm and was uncomfortable all over.



(1) "All appearances are illusions." - "The Diamond Sutra."

(2) "Misty river waters reflected the bright and clear skies, with houses on both banks extending their eaves like painted screens. Boats adorned with beautiful paintings sailed across the horizon, and flags fluttered in the wind. Lush willows provided shade, and peach blossoms bloomed, composing a picturesque and enchanting scene of Jiangnan. It was like a marvelous paradise, so unbelievable that one dared not believe it existed. This world is so beautiful!" - Zhang Yanghao's "Water Fairy: Ode to Jiangnan."