Chapter 31: A Spectacular Performance

Ma Qin couldn't help but recall the scene from a few minutes ago—

Gu Xu and the restaurant owner were chatting amiably, resembling a harmonious grandparent-grandchild pair.

Then Gu Xu took the wine jug from the owner, intending to pour himself a drink.

His hand "inadvertently" trembled.

The wine splashed out, flowing from the table to the floor.

Manipulating objects without touching them, through the power of the "True Qi"—as long as the objects were not too large or heavy—was an entry-level skill that every cultivator mastered.

In other words, controlling the flow direction of a liquid using True Qi was not a difficult task for Gu Xu.

Earlier, Gu Xu appeared to be idly sitting on his chair, indifferent to the miserable situation where Ma Qin was under attack…

But in reality, using the ground as paper and the spilled wine as ink, he had turned the entire restaurant into a "'Supreme Northern Pole Demon-Slaying Ghost-Killing Talisman".

That was what Gu Xu referred to as the "stage".

This was the trump card Gu Xu had been planning.

Thinking of this, Ma Qin felt a jumble of emotions.

He had once admired Gu Xu for his frightening cultivation speed, envying his top-notch talent that shocked the entire Exorcism Bureau.

But ultimately, these were gifts from heaven.

Ma Qin once thought that if he had the same level of talent, he might not fall short of Gu Xu.

But now, Ma Qin realized that Gu Xu's greatest strength was not his extraordinary talent—it was his ability to maintain absolute calm, no matter how dire the situation. With his astonishing intelligence and unconventional thinking, he could find unexpected ways to triumph.

Is this guy really only seventeen?

The more Ma Qin thought, the more incredible it seemed.

As Gu Xu chanted the "Ghost Expelling Mantra," the temperature in the room gradually rose, and the light emanating from the floor became increasingly bright.

The ghouls in the room clearly felt the threat of death.

They pushed aside Ma Qin, who was covered in egg whites, let out low growls, waved various kitchen utensils, and surged toward Gu Xu like a tide.

But Gu Xu remained unmoved, carefully dodging while continuing to chant the mantra.

Ever since his battle with the Painted Skin Ghost last month, Gu Xu had deeply realized that the improved "Ghost-Killing Talisman" was still somewhat lacking in power when dealing with these thick-skinned ghouls.

So, during this recent period, while practicing diligently, he had also been trying to develop a more lethal third-generation "Ghost-Killing Talisman".

Although it was currently only a prototype and still had many flaws…

It was evidently more than enough to deal with these ghouls.

After all, he had infused ninety percent of his True Qi into this "Ghost-Killing Talisman" drawn with osmanthus wine—the horrifying damage it could cause in an instant was something the ghouls present could not resist.

"...Five demonic spirits, annihilate body and form. Wherever you exist, thousands of gods shall worship. As swift as the law commands!"

With the mantra completed, the entire restaurant ignited with golden flames.

As if thousands of trees burst into blossom in the east wind of the night.

Like stars falling in splendid array, bursting into the sky like a fiery attack.

The forms of the ghouls rapidly twisted and melted in the intense light, like paper dolls thrown into a furnace. Accompanied by painful wails, they turned into ashes.

Gu Xu stood quietly in the brightest part of the fire, his face exceptionally pale due to the heavy loss of True Qi. But his gaze remained indifferent, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if intoxicated by the vibrant and magnificent scene.

"So beautiful," he sighed softly.

Then he turned his head, eyebrows raised, smiling at Ma Qin beside him: "Brother Ma, what do you think of today's performance?"

Ma Qin took a deep breath and praised sincerely: "It was extraordinarily spectacular."

"This is art," Gu Xu obviously seemed very satisfied with the effect of this improved Ghost-Killing Talisman.

Though Ma Qin had long known Gu Xu was no ordinary first-stage cultivator.

But the terrifying energy that exploded in the "fireworks" just now still left him immensely shocked, even making him, a second-stage cultivator, feel a hint of threat.

"If this 'Ghost-Killing Talisman' could work not only on ghouls but also on humans, could my 'Iron Fist of the Boulder' withstand this dreadful onslaught?"

Ma Qin had no idea.

He planned that once he left the illusion, he would go to the Yishui Exorcism Bureau's warehouse to exchange for a few "Ghost-Killing Talisman."

This item was only fifteen merits each.

Such high value for money was truly rare.


Yishui County, the Main Hall of the Exorcism Bureau.

Chu Fengge, leaning back with one leg crossed over the other on the Governor's chair, was riveted by the images playing on the body of the "Reminiscence Teapot". The sight of Gu Xu, standing amidst dazzling flames, prompted a slight furrowing of his brows.

To a common, low-ranked cultivator like Ma Qin, it might not be comprehensible how Gu Xu could create a "Ghost-Killing Talisman" of such terrifying power.

Yet Chu Fengge, who prided himself on his exceptional talents, discerned in a glance that Gu Xu's true Qi was far more refined and purer than that of most first-level cultivators.

As is widely known, the true Qi of cultivators in the vast wilderness is forged from yin energy.

In this process, the yin-evil energy is difficult to purify completely—even with the use of the highest-tier cultivation methods, there would inevitably be residual impurities.

These impurities, bearing the chill properties of yin, largely become constraints on the cultivators' future strength, and even potential hazards.

They also pose substantial risks during the cultivator's breakthrough process.

Chu Fengge considered himself rather fortunate.

Under the personal tutelage of Luo Chuan, the head of the Exorcism Bureau, he practiced the superior cultivation method "Stellar Array", which was Luo Chuan's own creation.

The value of superior cultivation methods lies in their encapsulation of top-tier experts' insights into the natural way of the universe. Moreover, in terms of purifying true energy, they are more efficient than ordinary methods.

One advantage of the "Stellar Array" is its ability to utilize starlight after nightfall, aiding cultivators in expelling residual yin-evil energy within their meridians.

Thus, Chu Fengge, a practitioner of the "Stellar Array", possesses True Qi far purer than most cultivators—allowing him to hold his own against cultivators who just entered the fifth level, even though he is only at the perfect fourth level.

Though Chu Fengge is rather reluctant to admit...

He could clearly sense that the refinement level of Gu Xu's true Qi is in no way inferior to his own as a practitioner of the "Stellar Array".

"Xu San, do you know what cultivation method Gu Xu practices?" Contemplating this, Chu Fengge turned his head to ask his attendant, Xu San.

"Your Excellency, according to the records of the Yishui Exorcism Bureau, Gu Xu practices 'Returning to the Origin'." Xu San answered respectfully.

'Returning to the Origin'?

A dime-a-dozen method that nearly every cultivator in Great Qi owns?

A mediocre, run-of-the-mill method that's only worth 500 merits and lacks any special effects?

How could that be possible?

"Xu San, you should know that deceiving me could cost you your head," Chu Fengge stated icily.

"Your subordinate wouldn't dare," Xu San immediately lowered his head, answering in a trembling voice, "But... but that's genuinely what's written in Gu Xu's file."

Chu Fengge grunted, finding the situation utterly preposterous.

Casually, his gaze swept over Gu Xu, who was sitting quietly in a corner, eyes closed in meditation. A heightened wariness towards the young man stirred within him.



(1) "Like stars falling in splendid array, bursting into the sky like a fiery attack." — Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu "Gift to Fireworks Man"