Chapter 43: Breaking Through

On this evening, at the unanimous request of his colleagues from the Yishui Exorcism Bureau, Gu Xu was compelled to follow the customary practice of the Bureau and treat everyone to a meal at a restaurant.

Since Shi Xiaohan's father, who held an official position in Laizhou Prefecture, had taken a day off and come to visit her in Yishui County, Shi Xiaohan had to return home earlier and couldn't join Gu Xu's celebratory feast.

Gu Xu had always considered himself a composed and calculating person, capable of remaining calm and collected even in the face of ferocious demons.

However, when he saw the expensive dishes laid out on the table, he couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart.

All that money spent!

Meanwhile, his colleagues raised their glasses, their faces beaming with smiles, and offered toasts to Gu Xu, uttering phrases like "Congratulations, Lord Gu, on your promotion," "Wishing you a bright future," and "When you become successful, don't forget your brothers."

Gu Xu offered perfunctory thanks, saying, "Tonight, my brothers, we won't return until we're drunk," but in reality, his cup was filled with tea instead of wine.

As a person who cherished his own life and was in delicate health, he always adhered to the principles of self-care and abstained from alcohol.

And because of his changed status, he was now the superior of the people present, making it impossible for them to expose his clumsy lie. Instead, they continued to flatter him, claiming how well he could hold his liquor.

In addition, every time a dish was served, everyone's gaze would fixate on Gu Xu's chopsticks—only when Gu Xu began eating would the others dare to follow suit.

Even those who were usually careless and spoke without thinking displayed some restraint now—

Every time they spoke to Gu Xu, they would agonise for quite some time, debating whether they should address him as "Brother Gu" as they used to, or follow the example of the others present and call him "Lord Gu."

The change in their attitudes created a subtle feeling of distance between Gu Xu and his colleagues.

On one hand, he couldn't help but feel a bit elated—after all, most of the people sitting at the table were seasoned players in the officialdom, adept at flattery, much better at it than his mutual boasting with Shi Xiaohan.

On the other hand, he also sensed that a clear distance had emerged between him and his colleagues—no matter how willing he was to lower his stance, it seemed unlikely that he could return to the easygoing manner of their previous interactions.

But Gu Xu didn't dwell on this issue for too long.

His goal was to become a cultivator of the Seventh Realm.

To achieve that, he had to climb higher with all his might.

If his companions couldn't keep up with his pace, they were destined to be left behind.

He couldn't afford to wait for them.


And so, the hour of the Pig had just arrived when Gu Xu, with tears in his eyes, rose to settle his bill, departing the banquet to return to his own home.

Even though it was a day of joyous celebration, marking his advancement in official rank and wealth, his nightly practice schedule remained unyielding, like a sturdy tower undeterred by thunder.

He sat quietly in front of an aged desk.

Candles filled the room, casting a mellow yellow glow.

A small pageboy, clothed in a grey tunic, approached him with a cup of steaming tea, bowing his head and saying, "Young Master, your tea."

This small page was originally a figure in a painting on the folding screen.

Gu Xu, using his skill in talismanic arts, had imbued the figure with spirit, enabling the page to step out from the painting to do some menial tasks like serving tea.

"By now, it's more appropriate to call me 'Sir'," Gu Xu glanced at the page, correcting him with feigned severity.

"Yes, Young Master," the page responded with deference.

Gu Xu shook his head helplessly, silently thinking: This one truly earns his reputation as an 'artificially foolish', not even able to understand a simple statement.

Next, Gu Xu took out a small notebook that he always carried with him and began summarising his recent experimental research:

"Experiment Time: The 23rd year of Tianxing, early October;

"Experiment Content: Evaluating the effects of the third generation 'Ghost-Killing' talisman (semi-finished product);

"Improvement Direction: First, increase damage output; Second, make the 'Ghost-Killing' talisman independent of talisman paper and ink; Third, use the 'Invocation Spell' to borrow someone else's true qi, increasing the power of the 'Ghost-Killing' talisman;

"Experiment Subject: Ghosts of Peace Blossom Town, Dream-eating Mo;

"Experiment Result: Remarkably effective, smashing everything in its path;

"Experiment Conclusion: After verification, all the aforementioned improvement directions are feasible, and the 'Ghost-Killing Talisman' talisman can continue to be improved according to the original plan;

"Notes: Got a promotion and raise today. Very happy."

After finishing, his gaze lingered over the words for a long time.

Since his crossing-over, he had already filled two entire notebooks like this one.

Every page contained his understanding and insights about talismanic arts, curses, divination, and every little detail about the path of cultivation.

People could only marvel at his exceptional performance today.

But Gu Xu understood, three feet of ice does not form in a single day^1.

Only through constant effort can one succeed.

"It's time," he said quietly after a long silence.

Then, he took out a small porcelain bottle holding an elixir, extracted the 'Spirit Gathering Pill' he had exchanged for half a month ago, popped it into his mouth, and swallowed it down.

The function of the 'Spirit Gathering Pill' was to refine the True Qi, fortify the soul, and aid cultivators who have reached the pinnacle of the First Realm in advancing to the Second Realm.

Having long suppressed his realm and laid a solid foundation, Gu Xu was now standing at the peak of the First Realm.

To advance further, he had to break through the realm.

He slowly closed his eyes and silently recited the cultivation mantra.

The ambient yin energy began to surge like a tidal wave under the pull of his technique, flooding into his body.

At this moment, within Gu Xu's consciousness, an ancient archway loomed faintly.

It was the legendary boundary separating the yin and yang worlds—the "Ghost Gate."

Beyond the "Ghost Gate" was only vast darkness.

Unable to see the road ahead, unable to find the direction.

If one took a wrong step, one would fall off a cliff, forever perishing from the path of cultivation.

From the darkness came faint whispers, cries, and wails.

Legend had it that these were the sounds of the wandering spirits outside the Ghost Gate—those who had failed their breakthrough, met their demise, and, under the corrosion of yin energy, lost their rationality, continuously luring later cultivators to embrace the darkness and descend into depravity.

But Gu Xu remained calm and unmoved.

In his hand, a lantern suddenly appeared out of thin air—its dazzling radiance illuminating the winding path ahead.

This path had nine bends, named Yellow Springs.

Gu Xu followed this rugged road, striding forward with determination.

The ancient and steep "Ghost Gate" was left far behind him, eventually disappearing into the boundless darkness.

His breath grew stronger with each passing moment.

His limited spirit energy, at that moment, transformed into a vast, inexhaustible river.

He then opened his eyes and looked out the window.

The sleeping Yishui County entered his sight.

The streets and alleys were pitch black, silent.

The lights in every household were extinguished.

Seeing this, he gently tapped the armrest of his chair twice with his right hand.

Tap, tap.

Suddenly, a lantern on the roadside lit up.

Then the second, the third, the fourth...

Minutes later, the lamps throughout the entire county were all aglow, shining like a resplendent starry sky.

The corner of Gu Xu's mouth curved up slightly, unable to hide the joy in his calm eyes.

Months of accumulation, a sudden eruption.

The matter of cultivation, in fact, is quite simple.

(End of Chapter)

^1 A Chinese idiom that means great results come from accumulated efforts.