Unsheathe the Chainsaw

Jamie just blankly stared at the woman in silence, before pressing his fingers towards his forehead.

"Well, I'd be damned."

Merely thinking of having to deal with Miranda's elder siblings was already giving Jamie a headache; that's just how much he wasn't good with them.

'Damn Sis-cons, the lot of them!'

He then clicked his tongue before looking at the sky, straight towards Anda and speaking.

"You over there, hold this guy for me."

Spatial energy wrapped around Navarre and his body floated high up into the clouds, stopping right in front of the surprised Anda.

Jamie then redirected his focus to the battle they had interrupted not too long ago, looking towards the dragons who were being strangely docile.

He noticed that the one who had his arm blown off by Trisgella was signalling the others not to move while keeping his gaze fixed on Miranda.

The reason was simple; he could sense that she was a Transcendent.